Oberlin Blogs
Joe Dawson ’12
Entries from this blogger
Farewell to Oberlin, Part II, AKA 'Unlisted, Part II'
June 1, 2012
For now, gather round the campfire for the last of Uncle Joe's Story Times.
Farewell to Oberlin, Part I
May 21, 2012
I like stories much more than I like lists, so here are four of them in two installments.
On the Run
May 3, 2012
Oberlin doesn't have ideal running weather all the time, but there are truly beautiful days, usually in the fall or early spring. We had a string of these last week and I decided to document my Sunday jog with a camera.
Sex and Editing
April 8, 2012
In which my hesitancy in both precludes me from a career in either.
February 26, 2012
My girlfriend called to see if I was doing better, and I forgave her for her bodily functions.
Stay Cool, Bra.
January 22, 2012
Brought to you by a card-carrying member of the cool committee.
Sinus Pressure?
November 15, 2011
Do keep in mind that during this whole exchange Jacob and I are running at a pace of 3 to 4 minutes per mile, stripped to the waist, pectorals gleaming, swatting away the female delegation from the class of '61 with other members of the class of '61. Impressed?
October 22, 2011
One needs laser sights attached to their clown wigs. Am I trying to do too much?
Musical Theater, Brought to You By Oberlin Cross Country
September 3, 2011
Now the main event of camp has my old friend sex appeal in spades. It is the Musical, and it is guaranteed to give you what you need.
Who Moved My Compass?
July 17, 2011
WARNING: contains metaphorical language you may not yet be prepared to handle.
Long Distance
July 11, 2011
All about Long Distance Relationships! With visual aids from animal friends and medical anomalies! Also, some kind of sobering words about your prospects for success! YAY!!!!
I Like to Think We Grew Up a Little...
June 5, 2011
First off, we became an unofficial SexCo...
Oberlin Secrets
June 2, 2011
Quick, name Oberlin's school colors. If you said crimson and gold, you owe me $5.
No Sweat
May 15, 2011
Throw in stress for something that actually matters, like finals, and I'm toast. I'll be in bed at midnight, eyes open until 1:30, and awake when the sun comes up at 7.
Chicago, Part II: Days 5-7
April 10, 2011
We assumed that the men, dressed in breeches and tunics would be doing an improvised version of a well known Shakespeare play, but no.
Days 1-4
April 1, 2011
We have been staying up late, eating mostly home-cooked food, drinking a little, and seeing a terrific amount of improv in the last four days, and our trip is only about halfway over.
March 28, 2011
I get up off of Matt's lap, there's guilt and often a little weird silence, and someone will say "Jesus, what was that?"
You got a friend in me
March 13, 2011
My college friends are truly great. Really. Plus they could totally beat up your college friends.
Snow busy-ness
February 26, 2011
Things got a little hairier at this point, if I remember right, and I found new uses for my simple tools. The flat head screwdriver could be easily used as a pry bar, I found, pulling up pieces of the tape player whose screws wouldn't yield to my five year-old hands.
Smooth Move
February 6, 2011
My friend Tino and I debuted our 'Single Ladies' dance, and Twister didn't rehash awkward puberty memories, ending the party with my tears and cries of emotional pain, like it very easily could have.
West Coast/ Winter Term
February 1, 2011
Although not a Winter Term on the West Coast, unfortunately.
Love Letter to the Oberlin Cross Country Team
November 28, 2010
At least the people on the treadmills aren't deluding themselves. They know that they're going to end up right back where they started, sweaty and out of breath.
Why College is Different From High School
September 5, 2010
College is not practice like high school is practice.
Getting Involved
August 13, 2010
If I know anything about Oberlin freshmen, you're not too preoccupied worrying about what to pack and what classes you want to take to worry about other activities at Oberlin.
The AJLC: Lean, Green, Educatin' Machine
July 26, 2010
Although I have written before about my favorite places on campus, I left out one very important building.
The Coz!
July 22, 2010
If this entry had audio, it would definitely have me doing a KILLER Bill Cosby impression: "My WIFE Camille, with the Jell-O pudding pops..."
Hey roomie
July 21, 2010
Well, no. I'm not actually going to talk about sex. Not no never. I've always been a believer that sex is sort of like music. You don't talk about making it. If you're good at it you don't talk about it. If you talk about it, you're not good at it.
A time for...
June 7, 2010
This week, no matter how it manifests itself, is worth missing sleep.
Major IMPROV'ment
April 20, 2010
Out of the stress of the earliest parts of the meeting was born an uneasy sense of confidence that we could make the audience that night laugh, either for us or at us.
Major Improvement
April 7, 2010
What be the ferocious and intangible 3-2 Engineering Program, you ask? Aye, for one as young as you, it is a thing most mysterious and, again, intangible. Sit down, children, and I'll tell you a story that would burn the hair right off your chest to hear.
April 5, 2010
I started out this semester with the idea that I would declare Biology or Engineering as my major and get cracking on the classes I needed to fulfill the major requirements. This was to be my buckling down semester, full of sciences and maths of various shapes and flavors.
Prospie Perspective
March 7, 2010
So, applicants to Oberlin will be notified of their acceptance in about a month, right? Gosh I'm glad I don't have to worry about that crap anymore.
Just a thought
February 13, 2010
A wordy and rambling entry rife with thoughts. There's also a picture thrown in to break things up.
Missin' You
January 25, 2010
I've been haunted in my sleep, you've been starring in my dreams, school I miss you...
Give 'em a Hand-uary
January 10, 2010
(I know I've mentioned my difficulty with titles before.) Who knows that this won't be incredibly valuable later in life? Or that it won't be, and I'll just be thankful I did it anyway? Or that I'll regret it and it will serve as motivation for me to get going and choose a major, since time for me to do so is rapidly running out?
December 31, 2009
"My manager told me, Mitch, don't use alcohol as a crutch. I can't use alcohol as a crutch because a crutch is something that helps me walk. Alcohol severely f____ up the way I walk. It's more like the step I didn't see." --Mitch Hedberg
December 22, 2009
Finals are all over, all praise due to NoDoze. My biggest hurdle was the paper for English I wrote on The Tempest.
Re: Newt Trim
December 17, 2009
Interest piqued? The title is an anagram for something pretty awesome at Oberlin.
November 21, 2009
I spent last Saturday afternoon planting trees. 'Planting trees' sounds like a euphemism for something dirty. But it's not. I actually spent the afternoon planting trees.
Busy, dizzy, rode a Tin Lizzy. Got to school and had a pop quizzy.
November 12, 2009
Nothing about the title actually describes the content of this entry. Except 'Busy' and 'got to school.' Sorry, but titles are tough, dudes.
Get Excited!
November 3, 2009
I can deal with the fact that on my list of things I am excited about I included "classes" and "renewable energy sources" because I have come to grips with the fact that I am a huuuuuuuuuge nerd.
Essays and Sunshine Scouts
October 19, 2009
Setting: Science Center Atrium, Thursday, October 15, Midterm week. Joe begins typing his 5th page of a roughly 6-page paper...
October 5, 2009
The class, and the Environmental Studies department, is not Environmental Science, which is the big mistake in assumption that I made going into it. I'm glad I did.
September 21, 2009
Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens... Oh, hello there. I was just thinking about some of my favorite things here at Oberlin. Oh, I delight in hairless monkeys, Cathy comics, putting rubbing alcohol in my eyes, and above all, some great places to hang out in Oberlin.
The Last Stand(up) at Helms Deep or Ol' Ed at the Helms - all of 'em!
September 13, 2009
Ed Helms did not show up, but I made a great impression on a guy who walked into the bathroom.
A milestone
September 10, 2009
I've had talks that involved intellectual topics sprinkled in among fart jokes, and discussions in class led by teachers about a particular topic of study, but no stereotypical smart talk with a lot of words like "neoclassical," "zeitgeist," and....
September 2, 2009
I'm the kind of person who enjoys anticipation. I do like getting new stuff and experiencing new adventures, but I also really enjoy thinking about them before they happen.
Helpful Hintz, Yo!
August 5, 2009
There is no required reading for freshmen at Oberlin, but a quick flip through Lord of the Flies could be real helpful.
'Undecided' P(h)art 2 (sorry, I'm incredibly immature)
May 11, 2009
Our trivia team name, which was a great source of pride, was Schindler's Bucket List, only narrowly beating Hotel Rwanda for Dogs.
April 20, 2009
My team T-Spain feat. Young Portugueezy, formerly Urethra Franklin, formerly Hurricane Kathleena and the Mansoon, really turned up the heat.
Crossed up
April 17, 2009
Why is it a concession stand? What exactly are you conceding? Except common sense in what a slice of damn pizza should cost.
Allow me to kibitz...
April 9, 2009
You pick up some Yiddish at Oberlin, for those of you coming from places like Columbia, Missouri, or those of you too young to remember Linda Richman.
Back home
March 23, 2009
Isaac reflects on his first impressions of Oberlin after flying back home for fall break--only to find that his real home is at Oberlin. Awww.
The Post post
March 14, 2009
I love warm weather. Everything feels better when you can walk out the front door and realize you're wearing too many layers.
8 questions for 8 Oberlin alums - part 3
March 1, 2009
In this episode, our heroes answer questions about creativity in teaching and working with students.
8 questions for 8 Oberlin alums - part 2
February 25, 2009
So, who noticed that no less than three Oberlin professors cited 'girls' as their reason for coming to Oberlin?
8 questions for 8 Oberlin alums - part 1
February 23, 2009
What's better than a Brendan Fraser/Christopher Walken film named Blast From the Past? A blog post that features 8 blasts from the past! This one will be better. Guaranteed.
An Expo-tition
February 17, 2009
"Ha! Zeez are not musician's 'ands! Zees are scientist 'ands, for working in ze laboratory! Out! Out!"
"Most people learn by observation, and there are the few who learn by experimentation. And then there are those who actually TOUCH the fire to see if it's really hot." -Anonymous
February 8, 2009
I got my grades for my first ever semester in college back a few weeks ago, and I'm...pretty pleased, actually....
Vietnam 101
January 31, 2009
The second of two pieces I wrote during first semester about performances in Oberlin.
January 23, 2009
The movie centered on Darius, a 15-year-old with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Darius' brother Mario died of the same disease when he was 19, and Darius talks about his brother occasionally during the film.
Pandas, Swiss Army knives, Sigourney Weaver, and of course, bamboo!
January 15, 2009
So visualize this: I'm in my basement this morning, working on my bamboo bicycle, joining the steel remnants of a child-sized bike frame to my bamboo tubes.
December 22, 2008
Aahhhhhh! (that's 'Ahhhhhh' like the sound you make after taking a satisfying drink of Coke Zero™, not like 'Ahhhhhh please don't lock me in that iron mask for years because I look like my brother the king')
Midnight Mudd
December 6, 2008
I neglected to utilize the lock on the bathroom once, and it became uncomfortably non-private in the middle of my activities within.
Running Down the Dream (running down Professor Street, actually)
November 28, 2008
My running log for Tuesday, Nov. 11 says "cold run, 3.5 miles in 25:36. Ran through the Arb, ran to North Fields, back along Woodland." This is not the whole story.
Last Year
November 21, 2008
They have a velvet Last Supper hanging above the stairs leading to the exit. I'm serious.
Once upon a time in Stevenson dining hall,
November 7, 2008
We went back and forth for quite some time, coming up with quality lines for the ladies, and some lame ones as well.