Faculty & Staff

College of Arts and Sciences and Conservatory of Music faculty and staff can find news, announcements, and general information about campus policies and events of interest.

Campus Bulletins


Writing Center opening

Details: Date, Time, and Location

  • Time

    12:00 am EST
  • Location

    Mudd Center, Seeley G.

Swag in Shanks

Details: Date, Time, and Location

  • Time

    12:15 pm EST
  • Location

    Shanks Health and Wellness Center (Patricia ’63 and Merrill ’61) Lobby

Campus News

Old Friends, New Collaboration

January 27, 2025

Throughout his decades of playing chamber music, Emanuel Ax has kept his friends close. “ It’s wonderful to have people on stage that you like,” the pianist says. “I’m pretty gregarious as a person, so I like being with someone, especially old friends.”

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Campus Offices

These are a few of the administrative offices that provide a range of services and programs for faculty and staff of the college and conservatory.

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Office of Communications

Ask a Librarian

Oberlin College Library staff is available online and through chat. We can help with all your library-related questions including how to access online items; find the best sources for your research project; get a scan of a chapter from a book that is locked in the library; and cite your sources, among other services.