Oberlin Blogs

Busy, dizzy, rode a Tin Lizzy. Got to school and had a pop quizzy.

November 12, 2009

Joe Dawson ’12

Yesterday was a very busy day; an Oberlin day, all in all.

8:25 in the morning found me awake, ready for my English class.

9:00 In English, talking about John Webster, who did not write Webster's dictionary.

10:00 Sociology, talked about socioeconomic classes and watched part of a movie called 'Wasp Lessons" about White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, who should form a roller derby team with a name as badass as the Wasps, but instead mostly just wear polos.

11:00 Crossword Puzzle! Kicked a little ace today, but all my friends were too busy working and wouldn't listen to me gloat. Gloated anyway, just quietly and to myself.

12:00 Read books for class and scheduled a video shoot for a commercial I am making with my Environmental Studies group. My role is 'Cold guy,' so look for me when the video comes out.

1:00 The quickest lunch I have ever eaten. If anyone needs to know the fastest way to get an incredible stomachache, here you go: 2 slices of pizza, 2 oatmeal raisin cookies, one grilled cheese sandwich with a hamburger patty inside, and a glass of grape juice. Eat it in about 10 minutes and make your way to the nearest bathroom.

1:30 Neuroscience lab, where we did the first animal behavior study I have ever participated in. Gave mice the equivalent of mice Valium to get them to be less anxious. My mouse bit my gloved hand and hung on for twenty seconds, jumped out of his cage, and ran straight off the edge of the table to what I assumed would be a terrible, furry death. He was fine, and continued to run away from me. He performed like a champ once he was in the maze.

4:30 Straight out of lab to a talk by Susan Clayton of Wooster College on psychological considerations when dealing with global warming. Really engrossing talk dealing with fear, responsibility, powerlessness, and Glenn Beck. Jon Stewart was also discussed.

5:45 Decafe! Bought Sesame Blues blue corn tortilla chips and cranberry juice. 45 minutes later I was hungry. I decided to squeeze in a trip to Stevie. Again, ate everything entirely too fast, had my second tummyache of the day.

7:00 Lecture in Geology department by Dr. Beverly Saylor entitled 'Carbon Capture: Essential or Insane?' Turns out Beverly Saylor of Case Western-Reserve thinks it is crazy. So crazy it just might WORK!

7:50 Met with Will, my group member in Env. Studies in a particularly shady manner outside of Severance Hall to exchange video equipment. Did absolutely nothing wrong, felt dirty afterward.

8:00 Piscapo's Arm at the Cat. Sketch Comedy. Ummmmm... I actually left after twenty minutes or so of this. They can't all be winners.

8:45 Science Center atrium, where Cross Country runners are drawn to on brisk autumn nights. Found comrades, talked about hammocks and platonic friends, then left to do work.

9:45 Relax time. First time I had been back to my room since I left at 8:45. My room is actually colder than the outside temperature, so I spend any time in my room under three to six blankets. I showered, grabbed a tumbler full of scotch on the rocks, and reclined on my X-long twin bed with Dr. House until bedtime.

There is something about having a day and a half jammed into one day that makes you feel like you actually got a lot done. I also slept like a baby last night.

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