Oberlin Blogs
Ida Hoequist ’14
Entries from this blogger
A Map for the Road
July 31, 2014
My corner of the blogs is now an archive. Here's how to navigate it!
May 26, 2014
Turns out going to college for four years means I have a lot to say about it.
Confessions of a Student Activist
March 2, 2014
I'm a bit of a conflicted mess. So is the activist scene here. So is life, I guess.
March 4th, cont.
September 8, 2013
A reminder: solidarity and closure are mutually exclusive. Even when you have a lot of other stuff going on.
Fears. Moms. Advice. All of the Above.
August 22, 2013
I never imagined that returning to school could be a prospect that would scare my pants off. But here I am.
A Path to Oberlin
April 6, 2013
This is the route I came by. It's pretty short; pretty simple. Pretty totally acceptable.
An Open Letter to My Fellow Oberliners
March 4, 2013
This is my voice; it stands with you. I stand with you.
Staying in Touch Was Never My Strong Suit
January 24, 2013
I have a great love for many of the people around me, but I don't do social. Reconciling those two facts is a battle that I'm not sure I'm winning.
What I Always Imagined Winter Term Would Feel Like
January 21, 2013
Did I promise I was going to talk more about linguistics? Yes. Would I be doing this even if I hadn't promised? You couldn't stop me with a heavy blunt object, my friend.
CS vs My Brain
November 9, 2012
Why this term is not as easy as I meant for it to be, featuring: a llama in a party hat, yours truly on a metaphorical balcony, and a quick historical linguistics lesson (among other things).
A Brief Introduction to Old B
August 15, 2012
Thoughts on being part of the smallest of Oberlin's housing co-ops; written and illustrated by Nora, a veteran Old B member.
On Being OSCAn
August 4, 2012
It is not easy. But also: "It is rare to be a part of something big that is so tied to human nature and so hinges on humans communicating with humans." - Ma'ayan Plaut
The Mechanics of OSCA
July 25, 2012
If you're wondering how co-ops run and what you will need to do once you are in them, this post is for you.
March 25, 2012
The joy my German Studies major brings me is as contagious as its colloquial abbreviation sounds.
In Defense of Sore Muscles
January 31, 2012
As our Director of Athletics, William Roth, puts it: "'Learning and Labor' is just a rephrasing of 'sound mind, sound body.'"
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
January 27, 2012
I just spent a month training at a circus school. And if you think that sounds foolish or lazy, I invite you to read this post.
Under Pressure
December 15, 2011
Irish music sessions are playing hard to get, but I play harder.
Heart It Races
November 27, 2011
What happens when Architecture in Helsinki joins forces with Oberlin? I vomit happiness and bright colors all over my screen and call it a post of thanksgiving, that's what.
Fall Break, Take Two: Boston Edition
November 4, 2011
The continued description of my second Fall Break as an Obie, in which I walk a dozen miles a day, eat incredibly well, and don't get nearly enough sleep.
Fall Break, Take Two: Oberlin Edition
November 4, 2011
An illustrated description of my second Fall Break as an Obie, in which I hang out with a staggering amount of fellow bloggers, eat incredibly well, and fall even more in love with Oberthings.
The Little Flashmob That Could
October 7, 2011
Remember when I said I "will often go to mildly extravagant lengths to craft a present"? That might have been an understatement.
A Room With a View
September 22, 2011
How Sarah and I acquired and are now curating the best double on campus: Tank 303.
Hello Goodbye
September 10, 2011
In which I very belatedly introduce myself so that we can be friends.
I'm Waiting for the Day
August 23, 2011
Vorfreude, n. f: German for the anticipation of future joy, as in the week preceding Christmas, or just before all of your friends return for another year in Oberlin.
With a Little Help From My Friends
August 14, 2011
How Oberlin helped me cope after an oil spill (the cooking kind, not the Gulf Coast kind) left me with serious burns splattered along my hand and leg. Pictures not included.
A Hard Day's Night
August 11, 2011
The reason I was able to sleep like a baby every night, pay my bills, feed myself, and have money left over to plan for Winter Term: my summer job. Or, rather, jobs.
FYS136: Ways of Seeing, Ways of Knowing
July 24, 2011
A great big lesson in Hi My Name Is College Now Stop Slacking. Alternatively, a great big welcome to Oberlin.
Dascomb, Part Two
June 12, 2011
A tour, via photos, of the places I frequented all year in Dascomb.
Dascomb, Part One
June 10, 2011
Things about the first-year experience dorm in which I experienced my first year: how I got there, how my friends got there, and what it was like while we were all there.
I Crave Mats and Open Spaces
May 5, 2011
Are there support groups for people who can't stop tumbling? I need one.
Midterm Report, Part Two
April 5, 2011
Now that I have gushed profusely about my morning classes, let me tell you that I am even more enthused about my afternoon classes. Brace yourself.
Midterm Report, Part One
April 1, 2011
In which I gush profusely about how my morning classes are going this semester.
From Yarn to Garment X
March 24, 2011
A decidedly DIY guest post – if I combined my sheep-to-yarn skills with her yarn-to-clothes skills, we'd be unstoppable.
Mr. Riley Comes A-Callin'
March 14, 2011
If you were my friend and came to visit Oberlin, this is what we would do together.
Oregon: Alis Volat Propriis
February 11, 2011
A Winter Term learning independence among sheep, chickens, and seven year olds.
Flauting Con-vention
January 19, 2011
I love flute and I love Oberlin and this is about me and my flute in Oberlin.
Christmas Revelations
January 14, 2011
On existing outside of Oberlin, Oberlin affecting my thinking, thinking about food, and food for thought.
Finals! Featuring: Festivity and Friends
December 25, 2010
Why finals week is actually radtastic (despite copious amounts of stress, procrastination, and caffeine).
New York (fun) Times
December 3, 2010
A sampling of Thanksgiving, in which my senses are assaulted, a friend's family welcomes, feeds, and houses some Obies, and I despise buses.
A Recipe for Registration
November 17, 2010
Two parts planning, one part flexibility, five zillion parts luck.
Tumbling Club
November 14, 2010
The Brazilian jujitsu people call it ninja training. This is the path that led me to it.
Maximum Silliness Achieved
November 1, 2010
The week sprinted by like Usain Bolt riding a sugar high.
It's a Beautiful Day in the Roommatehood
October 26, 2010
My satisfaction with the person I'd be living with for the next year wasn't a lucky fluke, it was widespread - possibly even universal.