Oberlin Blogs

Natalie Frank ’26

Hey there! I am Natalie, class of 2026. I'm from Wisconsin, home to cheese, corn, and cows. You'll know you're there when you pass a tractor on the highway. (:

I can juggle four balls; I've been a vegetarian for over eleven years; and I am a published author. I love to write science fiction, fantasy, romance, and everything else. If you don't love to read, I have been known to occasionally screenwrite or rap.

When not making myself tea or watering my forty houseplants (it's an addiction), I am reading, Circus-ing, or dancing. I am Treasurer and organizer of Oberlin Pole Dance; I am an acrobat, aerialist, and juggler in OCircus. I also work as a Communications Assistant and Peer Career Advisor at Oberlin CED. Besides that, I am in the Pyle Inn Co-Op, Chabad, and the Pottery Co-Op. I love to be busy but feel free to chat with me any time. More than all of this, I love telling you my stories -- hopefully, I can hear some of yours!

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