Office of the Dean of the Conservatory

Auditions and Consent

All enrolled Oberlin students interested in taking Secondary Private Lessons for credit must submit an online Secondary Lesson Application form each semester. New students must also attach a link to a video/recording within their application - once the application goes live about 2 weeks prior to each semester. Please note that the Secondary Lesson Application deadline is usually one week PRIOR to the add/drop deadline. Note: Pre-Registration is not available for Secondary Private Lessons. 

OberView Secondary Lesson Task

Photo credit: Courtesy of Oberlin Conservatory

Please DO NOT submit the Online Secondary Lesson Application unless you are sure you want lessons for 2 credits AND have enough room in your schedule for 2 credits!

1) The Online Secondary Lesson Application Link
is now closed.
* The deadline to submit your application was 02/05/25.
* The Application link will open again for Fall 2025 semester mid-August.
* Student will not be able to register during April pre-registration for F25.
* If you missed the deadline, do not wish to take lessons for 2 credits, or are a community member... and are still interested in lessons, you can submit a Lesson Referral Inquiry to see if there are students available to teach w/o credit. There is a student fee of $12 per half-hour lesson for non-credit bearing lessons. This applies to any student-taught lesson on campus. We also offer lessons w/o credit through Oberlin's Community Music School.
* Student teachers should not fill out this application or register - please visit the
"For Student Teachers" site for instructions regarding pedagogy & student pay.

2) The Online Secondary Audition Instructional Link 
Deadlines Once the Application Link Goes Live (01/13/25): 
* Applications for Spring 2025 were due from students Wed, Feb 5th, 2025.
* Faculty Dept approvals and instructor assignments are due by Fri, Feb 7th, 2025
* Students must register for their Secondary Lessons before Wed, Feb 12th, 2025.
* Some depts wait until 1 day before add/drop for approval - stay tuned to your e-mail!
Questions about your audition/link? Please E-Mail the faculty instructor directly!...
...Please do not e-mail or asking when your lesson will be approved:-) TY

Info: Practice Rooms, Lockers, Keys & Instrument Rentals FAQ!

The Online Secondary Lesson Application link for New and Returning Students will be activated just prior to the beginning of each semester and will be removed after the first week of classes. (Students must use their Obie E-Mails for online access.) New and returning students will be required to submit the application each semester in order to request consent for two credits of secondary lessons. Consent will not rollover each semester. Students will also have access to the link in OberView.

The Online Secondary Audition Instructional link for New Students lists repertoire, audition, deadline, faculty contact, and additional requirements for each specific instrument. Most auditions will be submitted within the application using a video link; however, some students may be required to schedule an audition via Zoom, in person, or contact the department/instrument chair for further instructions during the first week of classes. Please review the audition instrument instructions for your instrument prior to submitting your application. 
Deadline: Auditions deadlines vary but are generally by/during the first week of classes.

Please Note: Returning Students who have not taken secondary lessons for two consecutive semesters must re-submit a video audition link along with their application.

Students approved for secondary lessons for credit will be notified via e-mail of their placement and must register for lessons just prior to add/drop. Please note that some departments hold all applications and submit final approvals as late as 1 day just prior to add/drop. Please keep checking your e-mail and save room in your schedule for 2 credits (we do not offer lessons for 0 or 1 credit!)

New students are introduced to music opportunities during Orientation. Students can meet faculty and student groups, and learn about applied study (secondary lessons) programs as well as large and small ensemble opportunities.

Students without previous secondary lesson credit on an instrument who want lessons for 2 credits must submit a  Secondary Lesson Application & Audition prior to the first week of classes in the fall and/or spring semester. Please see the Secondary Audition Instructional Link or Faculty & Staff Contacts if you need additional information regarding the audition process, times, repertoire, and dates. Please look at your schedule to make sure you can add 2 credits before the add/drop deadline - Some students must apply for Overload in order to add secondary lessons to their schedule. All students must individually register online by the add/drop deadline.

Overload (Max Credits): Some students may be at max credits and need to complete a Course Overload Form in order to accommodate their secondary lesson(s). Arts and sciences students must apply for the overload through the Academic Advising Resource Center in order to add their lesson above hours; and conservatory and double-degree students must submit an overload form to the Office of the Associate Deans in order to add additional credits above their limit. 

If you have been assigned or already know you wish to take lessons without credit please refer to information about Student-Taught Lessons Without Credit. (Lessons without credit are extracurricular and do not require an audition or registration.)


Most returning students will not need to reaudition as long as they have been no more than two consecutive semesters away from their lessons. Returning students will, however, need to complete a new Secondary Lesson Application each semester in order to re-activate consent and confirm teacher assignment & faculty sponsor. All students must individually register online by the add/drop deadline.

If you have been assigned or already know you wish to take lessons without credit please refer to information about Student-Taught Lessons Without Credit. (Lessons without credit are extracurricular and do not require an audition or registration.)

Fall Semester

Please note that consent will not rollover - Returning students will not receive consent or be able to register for secondary lessons during the April pre-registration process or during the summer. Returning students must submit a new Secondary Lesson Application form at the beginning of each semester. 

Spring Semester

NEW! Please note that consent will not rollover - Returning students will not receive consent or be able to register for secondary lessons during the November pre-registration process or winter break. Returning students must submit a new Secondary Lesson Application form at the beginning of each semester. 

Overload (Max Credits)

Please look at your schedule to make sure you can add 2 credits before the add/drop deadline - Some students must apply for Overload in order to add secondary lessons to their schedule. Please do not fill out an application if you don't have room in your schedule for 2 credits.

Overload (Max Credits): Some students may be at max credits and need to complete a Course Overload Form in order to accommodate their secondary lesson(s). Arts and sciences students must apply for the overload through the Academic Advising Resource Center in order to add their lesson above hours; and conservatory and double-degree students must submit an overload form to the Office of the Associate Deans in order to add additional credits above their limit. 

What if I want to change my lessons next semester?

Please visit the Secondary Lesson Application and Audition Link which will have more detailed information about what is required at each audition. If you still have questions, you may contact the faculty instructors for more information regarding audition repertoire.

How do I submit an audition remotely? Please create a video/audio recording of yourself and then create a link. You can do this by saving your file in your Oberlin Google Drive and making video available to anyone that accesses the link. Then copy and paste the link within the online application when the link is prompted. Please contact the faculty sponsors if you have difficulty submitting an audition, have specific question about the audition/placement, or would like to request to audition in person.

General requirements 
  • Voice: one classical composition (memorization required - usually and art song or aria).
  • Piano: two contrasting works (portions heard; memorization preferred).
  • String: one work representative of ability (memorization not required).
  • Jazz: one piece that best demonstrates performer’s ability on instrument.
  • Comp/Tech: Two original compositions. (If available, submit scores, recordings, and accompanying program/technical notes.) 
  • Other instruments: two contrasting compositions or movements (memorization not required).
General audition information 
  • Auditions last 5-15 minutes depending on the instrument. 
  • Auditions may include demonstration of skills (scales, sight-reading, harmonization, by ear playing) as requested by auditioners.
  • (Jazz) Unaccompanied improvisation on the blues may be requested.

Secondary piano Audition information can be found once the online Secondary Audition Instructional link becomes available at the beginning of each semester. (Process subject to change due to COVID.)

New students who are BM or DD conservatory non-piano majors should schedule an online audition for piano placement prior to or during Orientation week. 

Returning BM or DD conservatory non-piano majors interested in secondary lessons or placing out of their piano requirement may submit an audition request during the first week of classes. Please complete the online Secondary lesson application and contact Professor Andrea McAlister for more information.

New and returning BM or DD conservatory non-piano majors without prior piano experience who are required to take piano class for their major do not need to submit a placement audition. Incoming students who are required to take piano have been pre-registered for a section. See your schedule.

New and returning BA arts and sciences students interested in taking secondary piano lessons may submit an Secondary Lesson Application and Audition during the first week of classes. Students may be placed into private lessons with student teachers or faculty for credit-bearing lessons. Space is limited.

Repertoire: Students may be asked to sight read, harmonize, and play a few scales and chords. One solo may be prepared that represents your highest level of playing but is not required.

Spring semester: Space is limited during spring semester. Please contact Professor Andrea McAlister regarding a spring audition and placement and secondary piano instruction. If approved please complete the Secondary Lesson Application Form.