Office of the Registrar
Degree Works
DegreeWorks is a comprehensive web-based, academic advising and degree audit tool that helps students and their advisors successfully navigate curriculum requirements.
If all of your requirements in your audit are marked as complete or in-progress, including your overall total required classes or credits, your "Requirements Degree Progress" bar will show as 98% complete. This is normal and will changed to 100% once you have earned grades for your in-progress courses. Please double check that all your required courses for your major(s) and/or minor(s) are completed.
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Which students can use Degree Works?
Currently, Degree Works is available to all degree-seeking undergraduate students. Students who matriculated or declared a major before Fall 2013 will see the requirements that were met in the “old system” (QP, WP, 9-9-9) and a translation of what is met in the new system. Advisors, faculty, and selected staff will also have access for the purpose of supporting your progress through your academic career.
How current will my information be in Degree Works?
The information in Degree Works is refreshed each night. Any changes made today (e.g., grade changes or classes added/dropped) will be seen in Degree Works tomorrow. You can also click on Refresh New at the top of the page and it will refresh information for you.
Can I register for classes in Degree Works?
No. Degree Works is a snapshot of in-progress, planned, and graded courses. Registration will continue to be conducted in Banner Self Service.
Are my grades visible in Degree Works?
Yes, once grades have been processed at the end of the semester and the official grading period has ended, grades will be viewable in Degree Works following the nightly refresh. Remember that grades are viewable in Banner Self Service once posted by an instructor.
Can I see a list of all of the classes that I’ve taken and how many classes I have left to fulfill my requirements?
Yes, to see a list of courses taken at Oberlin as well as transfer courses, go to the Worksheets tab and click on the Courses by Semester link at the top. To identify requirements that you still need to complete, look for unchecked boxes. Degree Works is laid out in block format displaying degree, major, minor, and concentration requirements information.
What do I do if I believe my academic information is incorrect?
You should contact the Office of the Registrar if your course information appears to be incorrect. If a requirement is not met and you believe it is, you should consult your advisor and review your audit together.
Why isn’t my information up-to-date?
There could be several reasons.
- Degree Works may not have refreshed since a change was made (the information is refreshed nightly).
- There could be some paperwork that needs to be completed. For example, if you have completed transfer courses, it is possible that we have not received an official transcript or the coursework or it is pending departmental review. Check with the Carol Nitchman in the Office of the Registrar if your transcript or audit does not reflect transfer work you have completed.
- A substitution or waiver for a course requirement may not have been processed yet. Check with your advisor to ensure the registrar’s office has been informed of the substitution or waiver. Your advisor may send an email to Degree Audit to notify us of approval for a substitution or waiver.
How can I update information?
You cannot update course information in Degree Works. To change your major/minor/concentration, you submit a form, with the appropriate approvals, to the registrar’s office.
If I have additional questions about Degree Works, who do I contact?
Send an email to the registrar’s office with specific information about your audit and your question. Always include your T# and full name in the email.
What if the major or minor is listed incorrectly or if the minor is not listed? Or, what if I have a double major/degree/concentration, but only one is listed?
Have you submitted the appropriate forms to the registrar’s office? If so, and it has been more than 10 working days since you submitted the form, send an email to the registrar’s office and we will check your record. Always include your T# and full name in the email.
What do I do with courses in the Additional Courses section?
It is important to review courses in this section as well for potential substitutions and to ensure the audits functioning properly. If you find a course in this section that may satisfy a requirement, please contact your advisor.
Is Degree Works my official degree audit?
This degree audit report is a tool or guide that you may use for assessing your progress toward your degree and for planning your future course work. Although we endeavor to assure that the information in the degree audit report is accurate, it is not an official transcript of your academic record and it is not an official notification of completion of degree or certificate requirements. You should contact the registrar’s office for your official degree/certificate conferral status or to obtain a copy of your academic transcript.
If you need assistance in interpreting this report, please contact your academic advisor or send an email to Degree Audit .
What is the “What If”?
The What If is a Degree Works feature that allows a student to select a program that they might be interested in pursuing to see how their completed and registered coursework would fulfill the requirements for that possible program.
The major requirements don’t look quite right. What could be wrong?
Double check the catalog year listed on the black bar at the top of the evaluation to make sure it matches what requirements the student is following. If the student wishes to change a catalog year, and the advisor approves the change, the advisor should send an email to the Degree Auditors with the approval.
How do we make a substitution for a course requirement?
For students in arts and sciences: Advisors may determine that a student may substitute a course within the major; requests for a substitution should go through the department chair (or designee). The chair should forward this request (if approved) to the Degree Auditors and it will be recorded as an exception in Degree Works. In the rare event of a substitution to the institutional requirements, the Associate Dean for curriculum matters in the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences must approve a substitution. If approved, the associate dean will forward the approval to the registrar’s office.
For students in conservatory: Advisors may determine that a student may substitute a course to meet a requirement. Requests for a substitution should go through the Office the Associate Deans in the conservatory. If approved, the associate dean’s office will record the substitution in Degree Works.
There are a lot of courses in the Additional Courses section. Why?
There are a number of reasons:
- If a student has changed majors, courses that once counted may no longer be required by the new major.
- Students may have taken more elective courses than required by the major.
- Students may be pursuing a major or minor that they need to officially declare; once the registrar’s office records the major or minor on the student’s record, the Audit should include courses in the major/minor section that are now in the Additional Courses area.
- Additionally, transfer students and students who have fulfilled the institutional requirements in some way will typically have courses in this section, as they may not apply directly to specific degree requirements.
How do you FIND students using Degree Works
The Find screen allows you to search for students using a variety of filters and categories. For advisors, the most common search categories will most likely be Catalog Term, Major, and Minor. Department chairs may wish to see how many of their majors have applied to graduate. Of course, you can also directly enter a student’s ID or name here.