Office of the Dean of the Conservatory
Group Advising and Departmental Meetings
Before arrival, conservatory and double-degree students are assigned a studio teacher and an advisor (many studio teachers are also advisors). Students are required to attend a group advising and divisional meeting during Orientation week.
New students are also assigned to Con PAL or arts and sciences PAL groups for peer advising. Upon arrival, new students will receive an Orientation schedule and packet that will provide more detailed information.
Prior to orientation, incoming conservatory students will receive a list of their pre-registered courses as well as suggested courses that should be added to their schedule. Some courses like small chamber groups or secondary lessons will not be able to be added until orientation or the add/drop registration period. Following the first semester, when conservatory students will be pre-registered for nearly all their classes, students will request consent for courses, meet with their advisor(s), and be responsible for their own online registration.
- Students with two conservatory majors or double degree students should consult their orientation packet for their preferred group advising meeting location.
- Masters and Artist Diploma students should attend this advising session for information regarding registration and departmental requirements. Please e-mail for questions regarding your orientation commitments.
- Historical Performance majors should attend the session most related to their instrument.
- Transfer students are expected to participate in all aspects of new student orientation.
During Orientation, conservatory and double-degree students will receive group, departmental, and individual advising and registration information throughout the week.
After the first semester, conservatory and double-degree students are required to meet individually with their advisor(s) each subsequent semester during the advising period.
Conservatory and double-degree students will receive a RAP (Registration Alternate Pin) number each semester, from their advisor(s), in order to log into the registration system.
Conservatory and double degree students may also request a meeting for advising with one of our conservatory associate deans.
Private teacher assignments are usually confirmed at the time of admission based on student-teacher preference and faculty availability. For questions regarding your assignment, please contact Conservatory Admissions.
First-year seminars are not required for Conservatory students but are a part of the first-semester curriculum for College of Arts and Sciences and Double Degree students.
Conservatory students are asked to wait until they have arrived on campus and have met with their advisor before registering for any of these seminars. Most conservatory students will not have room in their schedule for a first-year seminar course.
Double-degree students will have room in their schedule for a first-year seminar course (FYSP), Introduction to Oberlin Life and Learning course (LEAD) course, and possibly one liberal arts elective course appropriate for new students, but should discuss course load and any conflicts with their advisor(s) during Orientation.