Office of the Registrar
If a student believes an exception to a deadline published in the academic calendar is necessary due to circumstances beyond their control, the student may request an registration deadline appeal. The student is required to meet with an assistant dean for student support to discuss their appeal and be provided with information on how to proceed with their request; an appeal form is to be completed, narrative, and supporting documents, if applicable. A committee reviews registration deadline appeals.
Students may access the appeal form from the Office of the Registrar's downloadable forms page. Required signatures must be gathered electronically. Approvals via email are also acceptable. Email approvals must be attached to the same email string as the completed form and sent to The email must come from your Oberlin email address and will serve as your signature.
- If an exception to a deadline published in the academic calendar is necessary due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, this form may be used to appeal. Deadlines for registration-related activities are established by the college in accordance with faculty-approved academic policy; deadlines for all course adjustments are publicized well in advance in the academic calendar available online in the events calendar and at the Registrar’s website:
- The appeal form and all of its components must be submitted by the deadline noted on the due dates link on the Downloadable Forms webpage: The student must obtain all required signatures and necessary approvals associated with their appeal at the time of appeal submission.
- If the student wishes to drop a course (or reduce credits for a course) and that drop would result in the student’s registration of less than the required minimum of 14 credits/3 academic and one-half course in the Arts and Sciences, 16 credits in the Conservatory or Double Degree program, the appeal will not be considered.
- If the student wishes to withdraw from a course and that would result in the completion of less than the required minimum of 14 credits/3 academic and one-half course in the Arts and Sciences, 16 credits in the Conservatory or Double Degree program, the Registrar’s Office will refer the student to the appropriate office for a consultation before granting the appeal (Arts and Sciences students: Academic Advising Resource Center; Conservatory students: Conservatory Associate Deans Office; Double Degree: either office).
- Requests to add a course require providing proof of instructor agreement along with submission of the completed appeal.
- No appeal will be accepted if the faculty member has already submitted a final grade for the student or if classes have ended for the semester.
- Certain changes cannot be appealed after the deadline noted on the academic calendar. Specifically, the option to change back to letter grades will not be accepted.