Department of Human Resources
Cost of Coverages
Health Insurance & Prescription Coverage Costs
The cost of coverage for health insurance will vary depending on an employee’s service date, age, retirement date, eligibility for Medicare, and coverage level.
Persons who retire between ages 52 and 61, with a minimum of 10 years of service pay a premium that is tied to age. (Those retirees who fall into this category are placed on the RAMP schedule as shown in the document below.)
What Happens When You Die or Your Dependent(s) on Oberlin College Plan(s) Dies? (Adjustment of Premiums)
Please contact Human Resources at 440-775-8430. We will adjust your monthly premium on your health, dental and/or vision coverage.
If the dependent is a beneficiary on your TIAA-CREF Plan, call: (800) 842-277
RAMP Schedule 2022
Ramp Schedule 2023