Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences

Front of Cox building
Photo credit: Dale Preston ’83

The Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences administers the academics of the college. Directly and through academic departments and programs, the dean’s office deals with a wide range of academic issues, including hiring and promotion of faculty members, faculty development, curriculum, and educational policy.

The dean's office oversees the Allen Memorial Art Museum, the Academic Advising and Resource Center, the Office of the Registrar, the Bonner Center for Community-Engaged Learning, Teaching, and Research, the Paul and Edith Cooper International Learning Center, the Office of Study Away and Winter Term, the Office of Undergraduate Research, the Office of Foundation, Government and Corporate Grants, and, along with the dean of the Conservatory of Music, oversees the library system.

The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences is the chief academic officer of Oberlin College, responsible for all faculty and curricular matters. The staff of the dean’s office works collaboratively to sustain and enhance the intellectual life of the college especially through supporting the faculty and the curriculum. As the chief representative of the faculty, the dean welcomes conversations with the faculty about curricular and research matters. Three associate deans are also available to assist with curriculum and faculty development.

Oberlin College faculty teach a wide, varied, and challenging curriculum across 40 departments and programs, offering 50 majors and 43 minors and concentrations. Oberlin faculty are at the core of the Oberlin education.  Ninety-seven percent of our faculty possess the terminal degree for their field and 81 percent are tenured or on tenure track.

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