Cellist Drew Dansby to Perform Jazz-Influenced Cello Concerto
April 11, 2024
Cathy Partlow Strauss ’84
In a "first" for the Oberlin Concerto Competition, the soloist—performing David Baker’s 1987 Concerto for Cello and Jazz Band—will be accompanied by a jazz ensemble.
Universal Languages
July 13, 2023
Brittany Moseley
Kenji Anderson came to Oberlin to study English and piano—and left with a deepened love of Japan.
Use It or Lose It: Railey Stern Yen Uses Fulbright to Reconnect with Taiwan
May 25, 2023
Amanda Nagy
A May 2023 graduate of the double degree program, Stern Yen will apply his experiences in teaching and working with youth.
Oberlin Conservatory Organist Daniel Jacky Wins Duke Chapel Position
June 1, 2022
Erich Burnett
Double-degree student devotes coming year to performing, choir directing, and continued studies in North Carolina.
Nick Beltramini Receives NOAA Hollings Scholarship
May 16, 2022
Amanda Nagy
The Hollings Scholarship provides academic assistance for two years and a 10-week paid summer internship at a NOAA facility.
From Preschool to Star Wars
June 17, 2021
Charlotte Maskelony '21
Versatile singer and educator Adriana Manfredi ’01 stretches the bounds of her music career.
Janet Wu ’21 Earns Oberlin’s Nexial Prize for 2021
May 25, 2021
Erich Burnett
Double-degree pianist to pursue medicine at Stanford University.
Taking a Shine to TIMARA
May 5, 2021
Oli Bentley '21
Vocalist and philosophy major Diana Gruber ’22 crafted an innovative conservatory major—and an alter ego to match.
Where Heart and Mind Meet
March 23, 2021
Erich Burnett
Annemarie Schubert ’21 chose Oberlin for violin and neuroscience. Then early music chose her.
Alumni Connections Series Welcomes Victoria Theodore ’89 and Peter Flint ’92
February 15, 2021
Erich Burnett
Feb. 19 program unites Oberlin students with graduates forging successful music careers.