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Clear filtersThings I Wish Someone Had Told Me...
October 16, 2009
...but it wouldn't have mattered because I probably wouldn't have listened anyways.
Oberlin students at the G20 protests: Reacting to a turbulent two days
October 15, 2009
Why were we there? How did the world see us?
Who I am, and what I'm doing here
October 15, 2009
Amidst the dark fog of midterm week, a sleepy, masochistic archaeology student sits in a tiny room in a tiny co-op in a tiny town in Ohio, pounding away at a keyboard...
Creative Writing: The Most Terrifying Application
October 14, 2009
“You have to want to be a creative writing major.” Featuring: Aries fails, the creative writing application (how, what and why), what alums do, and why classes are really hard.
Hello, world.
October 12, 2009
My name is Alicia, but a lot of people call me Fresh. The nickname was given to me during my first year here and it just stuck.
Hello again, world!
October 12, 2009
I love the idea of ExCos--it's part of the reason I came here. I signed up for a bunch of them but only one really worked out with my schedule. (One of my sophomore friends told me that it's funny how first-years try to do everything, but the truth is, there's so much interesting stuff going on, it's impossible not to at least try it.)
Fresh Experiences
October 11, 2009
Each day in Oberlin offers a fresh experience that is not colored by memories of time or place. I hope to be able to share some of these fresh experiences.
Let's Begin With Why I'm Here
October 11, 2009
This is a stream-of-consciousness diary-type sampling. It's odd, writing sort of for an audience.
Food and Friends
October 9, 2009
I promise I won't spend the rest of the year blogging about beer and circular logic, but it seemed like a good place to start.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.