Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

This Week in Photos: Listening, bell

March 16, 2022

Yvonne Gay

Eboni Johnson, outreach and programming librarian, holds a hand to her ear as a student across the room reads literature written by bell hooks. The public read-in at Mudd Center’s academic commons honors this prolific writter during Women’s History Month. It also serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.

A woman holds her hand to her ear as if trying to listen.

This Week in Photos: Tiny, but Mighty

March 4, 2022

Yvonne Gay

After a five minute delay to the start of the program, Public Services Librarian Kathleen Abromeit inches her way to the back of the conservatory library, then pauses. “Should we give it another five minutes,” she asks, looking around the room. She’s excited. After a two-year hiatus Abromeit will announce the library’s first Tiny Ref Desk Concert. The program’s return also serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.

A violinist and guitarist play instruments in a library.

This Week in Photos: Marveling the Technique

February 9, 2022

Yvonne Gay

An eyedropper filled with blue pigment hovers over a shallow tray of clear liquid. With steady hands the small droplets of color are released and waft along the surface. Seconds later a pale freeform circle is formed. The students performing these marbling techniques in papermaking are examples of the many projects taking place this Winter Term. They also serve as inspiration for this week’s photo series.

A student uses an eyedropper to add color to a tray of liquid.


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