Campus News
Students Explore Oberlin’s Range of Research in This Year’s Lab Crawl
November 17, 2021
Yvonne Gay
Lab Crawl was well attended this semester with many students making stops at demonstrations held in one or more of 22 labs across campus.

This Week in Photos: Alzheimer's Research
August 5, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A picture of a student transferring an opaque substance into a gel box in a neuroscience lab serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.

Undergraduate Research Symposium Showcases Student Research Virtually
April 24, 2020
Hillary Hempstead
All are invited to the online symposium that features research from Oberlin College and Conservatory of Music students.

Undergraduate Researchers in Neuroscience Publish on Habit Formation
January 15, 2020
Hillary Hempstead
A manuscript from Assistant Professor of Neuroscience Christopher Howard’s lab was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Environmental Studies Students Present Research at Climate Change Conference
December 9, 2019
Communications Staff
Senior Eli Presberg was recognized with an award for a presentation of the students’ research in the Africatown, Alabama, community.

Q&A with Chris Marx: Great Lakes Mathematical Physics Meeting
July 12, 2019
Communications Staff
For the first time in the program’s history, undergraduate students, including six from Oberlin, were able to participate in the annual meeting.

Senior Symposium 2019 Preview
April 25, 2019
Communications Staff
More than 100 seniors and fifth-years on 27 panels will each give a brief presentation about work they performed for honors, capstones, or research they conducted individually or with a faculty mentor.

Senior Symposium 2018 Preview
April 25, 2018
Communications Staff
The Office of Undergraduate Research invites all members of the campus and community to celebrate the scholarly and artistic achievements of members of the Class of 2018, at the ninth annual Senior Symposium on Friday, April 27.

Senior Symposium 2017
April 27, 2017
Communications Staff
More than 75 seniors and fifth-year students on 20 panels will each give a brief presentation about work they performed for honors, capstones, or research they conducted individually or with a faculty mentor.
Lab Crawl 2016
November 29, 2016
Communications Staff
The third annual Lab Crawl on November 18 featured the work of Associate Professor of Biology Roger Laushman and student collaborators. Laushman’s lab studies plant ecology, particularly forest...