Campus News
Tom Sherman, Emeritus Professor of Biology, Dies at 89
April 15, 2024
Communications Staff
Oberlin graduate and longtime faculty member remembered for penning the ode to Oberlin A Place on the Glacial Till.

Students Explore Oberlin’s Range of Research in This Year’s Lab Crawl
November 17, 2021
Yvonne Gay
Lab Crawl was well attended this semester with many students making stops at demonstrations held in one or more of 22 labs across campus.

This Week in Photos: The Office
June 17, 2021
Yvonne Gay
A secret hideout in the scene shop serves as inspiration for this week’s photo series.

Who is Judy Laushman?
June 1, 2021
Yvonne Gay
Although many offices close during winter shutdown and at the end of the academic year, the world atop the Science Center has no concept of calendar breaks. The space in this glass rooftop is frequented everyday by its caretaker. Who Am I?

The Teaching Garden
August 21, 2020
Yvonne Gay
This academic year, many students will learn in outdoor classrooms and some will have the opportunity to explore Oberlin’s pollinator garden—a living classroom inside the Science Center.

This Week in Photos: Changes on Campus
August 18, 2020
Yvonne Gay
Adjustments to a new kind of normal have led many to wonder what to expect when they come to campus. Maybe this will help: Although the changes are apparent—with many spaces receiving safety measure makeovers—they cannot overshadow the beauty of the campus and community.

Oberlin in Photos: The Art of Science
April 7, 2020
Yvonne Gay
Since its re-emergence in 2015, Oberlin’s student-run, general interest science publication— the Synapse has intrigued readers with subject matter such as the first human head transplant to how algorithms can create realistic faces from scratch. And leading those articles are impactful illustrations that become stories all their own. In this photo series, we look at this publication’s art of science.

Faculty Members Receive Promotions
May 15, 2019
Communications Staff
Eleven faculty members have been promoted to the rank of professor or associate professor. We asked each about their most memorable experience and what they enjoy about being a professor.

Professors Collaborate on West Nile Virus Research
October 15, 2015
Communications Staff
What drives the interaction, chemically and evolutionarily, between a particular species of mosquito and a particular species of bird? Professor of Biology Mary Garvin hypothesizes volatile chemicals...