Facilities Operations, Procurement, and Auxiliary Services
ObieBuy is the College's cloud-based application for spend and invoice management. ObieBuy contains three modular solutions: e-procurement, invoicing, and supplier management. The e-procurement module provides an online shopping experience, facilitates the processing/approval of electronic purchase request forms, and dispatches purchase orders. The invoicing module automates all accounts payable tasks and provides better visibility into organizational spending. The supplier management module is an automated supplier registration tool used to onboard new suppliers and make changes to supplier profiles.
Please visit the quick reference guides for additional information about navigating in ObieBuy. For answers to some of the most common user questions, see the ObieBUY FAQs.
What is ObieBuy?
ObieBuy is the College's cloud-based application for spend, invoicing, and spend management.
How do I sign up for ObieBuy?
Please visit the Controller’s Office website and complete the authorized signer form. This will allow you to be assigned a Banner ID if you do not have one and also to be approved to post purchases to your FOAP accounts. If you already have a Banner ID, please confirm with the Controller’s office if you need to fill out the authorized signer form to get approval for the FOAP accounts you will need for your purchases in ObieBuy. After your Banner ID is created and/or confirmed, contact the Purchasing Department to create an ObieBuy user profile for you.
How do I access the ObieBuy System?
You will get an email from Purchasing which will include your username and a link to the ObieBuy sign-in page. Your ID will be your Banner ID and your password is the LDAP password you use to sign into your Oberlin Email account.
Is there any training necessary in order to use ObieBuy?
The ObieBuy system is web-based and many users have been able to use the system as soon as they are set up with an ID with minimal support. It is designed to be used for routine departmental purchases. Training on the more robust uses of ObieBuy is available, but users normally find that minimal instruction and/or use of the quick guides is all that is necessary to use the system. If you desire more training on more specific aspects of the ObieBuy system, please contact Purchasing.