Registration Form
Please complete the registration form once you are ready to enroll your child in Community Music School private lessons or classes.
If you have not yet completed the online inquiry form and been in contact with the staff at CMS, you will need to do that BEFORE registering.
The Community Music School office will confirm receipt of your online registration either in writing or by telephone.
Summer session invoices will be mailed mid-June. Tuition may be paid in full upon receipt of the semester invoice, or, payments may be made in monthly installments, at no additional fee, when received by the 10th of each month - July 10 and August 10.
Fall semester invoices will be mailed mid-September. Tuition may be paid in full upon receipt of the semester invoice, or, payments may be made in monthly installments, at no additional fee, when received by the 10th of each month - October 10, November 10, December 10, and January 10.
Spring semester invoices will be mailed mid-January. Tuition may be paid in full upon receipt of the semester invoice, or, payments may be made in monthly installments, at no additional fee, when received by the 10th of each month - February 10, March 10, April 10, and May 10.
Registration Fee: Upon this confirmation of enrollment, a one-time registration fee of $20 is charged for each new family to CMS. This fee is non-refundable and is not applied towards tuition.