Oberlin Blogs

The Oberlin blogs are produced by a team of current students, faculty, and staff who offer a variety of unfiltered perspectives about the Oberlin experience. We encourage you to interact with us as we explore Oberlin and document our adventures.

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Allow me to kibitz...

April 9, 2009

Joe Dawson

You pick up some Yiddish at Oberlin, for those of you coming from places like Columbia, Missouri, or those of you too young to remember Linda Richman.

Organs Get Me Pumped

April 7, 2009

Ma'ayan Plaut

For the record, I am already scared of this story, but hearing it retold in such a dark and echoey space, preluded by an organ piece played in a dark room, well, it was amazing and nerve-wracking. It was the coolest shoot I've even been involved in.

Why my blog is still about Oberlin

April 7, 2009

Alice Ollstein

Some seem to think I've strayed from the original purpose of the blog--giving prospies an unmediated account of Obie life--yet here are the ways my experiences here in Arizona have a great deal to do with far-off Oberlin.

Getting Lucky in Kentucky (Part II)

April 5, 2009

Daniel Tam-Claiborne

The experience served to strengthen my conviction as an omnivore and made me truly realize the importance of the hunter-gatherer culture that had been passed down by our forebears. It didn't hurt that the chicken was also some of the best I had ever eaten.

Intolerance is the new black

April 4, 2009

Alice Ollstein

"The people who come here illegally across the border are not educated people," Ms. Richardson said. "They don't have any culture or any respect for ours."

Getting Lucky in Kentucky

April 4, 2009

Daniel Tam-Claiborne

If someone told me six months ago that for spring break of my senior year I would be living on a farm in rural Kentucky for nine days with scarcely any internet or phone and sharing a room with eleven people I had never met before, I would have laughed in their face. All I can say is what a difference a week makes.

Reese's-Puffs-inspired musing on lists

April 2, 2009

Yitka Winn

I'm pretty sure I can directly trace my penchant for list-making to the beginning of college. Something about Oberlin has not only forced me to develop stellar time management skills (which, okay, has gone hand in hand with fine-tuning my procrastination abilities) but has also inspired me to think, dream, and plan big.

Desert Dynamics

April 2, 2009

Alice Ollstein

A few things I learned on yesterday's patrol with the Samaritans, a group that sends a group out to the desert every day looking for migrants in need of water, food, medicine or simply a friendly face.


Oberlin Bloggers

Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.

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