Student Health Services
Flu Vaccination and Treatment
Students are responsible for communicating with their professors about their illness via email or through other approved communication methods.
Student Health Services does not write notes to excuse a student from missing classes. Your professor will decide how you will be excused from academic responsibility.
Flu FAQs
What's new with the flu?
ResLife posted a flyer about the H1N1 flu in the past behind every restroom door. The flyer addresses flu symptoms, hygiene, and sanitation issues. It tells you what to do if you have the flu and the importance of having a flu buddy. Finally, it reviews things to remember about the flu as well as the available flu resources. When you are ill, you need to contact your professors via e-mail or other acceptable modes of communication to notify them of your absence.
What are the symptoms of flu?
You may have the flu if you have fever or chills and a cough or sore throat. You may also have a runny nose, body aches, a headache, tiredness, diarrhea, or vomiting.
What should I do if I have flu-like symptoms?
Call the FLU-LINE at SHS (440) 775-8180 for advice. Speak to a SHS staff member afterwards. Self-isolate in your room and avoid contact with others. Don't go to class or any social or campus gatherings. Drink plenty of fluids, rest, and take ibuprofen or acetaminophen to reduce symptoms. Have a flu-buddy, someone who can get you a cold care kit. You may resume normal activities once your fever is gone for 24 hours without medication. When SHS is not open, please call the 24-Hour Nurseline at (877) 924-7758 .
When will the flu vaccine be available for students?
You can call and make an appointment or attend a Campus Community Flu Clinic. There is no fee. You must be 18 years of age or have the Minor Consent Form signed to receive the vaccine at SHS. We will offer ongoing Flu Clinics at SHS. The dates will be posted online as well as on the digital message boards located throughout campus.
Why should I have a flu buddy?
The purpose of a flu buddy is to assist in caring for a student with flu-like symptoms and to aid in self-isolation. Read how you can assist a sick friend by becoming a flu buddy .
Flu Resources
Lorain County General Health District
The Lorain County Health Department District includes all Lorain County except Vermilion. The LCHD is located at 9880 South Murray Ridge Rd., Elyria, Ohio, 44035. If you have questions or need more information about services please call LCHD at (440) 322-6367 .