Office of the President
2017-18 Archive - Statements and Publications
2017-18 Academic Year
June, 2018 Board of Trustees Meeting
A letter to the Oberlin community from President Ambar, Board Chair Chris Canavan, and Board Vice Chair Chesley Maddox-Dorsey.
Selection of the AAPR Steering Committee
The Academic and Administrative Program Review Steering Committee has been selected.
Jewish Life and Scholarship at Oberlin
We are deeply committed to Jewish studies and Jewish life as important parts of Oberlin’s tradition.
Greetings from the Student Senate and President Ambar
An update regarding campus spaces, housing, transportation, and more.
Welcome back!
Greetings and updates as second semester gets underway.
Reflecting on the Life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reflecting today on the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., one cannot help but think about how much our country has changed since his birth in 1929, and how much work still needs to be done to achieve his vision.
Message from President Ambar Regarding Proposed Tax Reform Bill
Tax legislation currently under consideration by Congress could have a significant negative effect on Oberlin College, as well as on colleges and universities across the country.
Oberlin’s Commitment to an Inclusive Environment
We won’t be derailed from our substantive efforts by those who hope to distract, divide, and promote distrust.
Update on Disability Resources
Oberlin is committed to full inclusion and access, and Disability Resources remains a fundamental institutional priority.
Message Regarding Office for Civil Rights Announcement on Title IX Guidance
Following the Department of Education’s announcement about changes to Title IX guidance, President Ambar and Dean of Students Raimondo explain what it means for Oberlin students.
Message from President Ambar on DACA Announcement
President Ambar discusses the federal government's plan to phase out the DACA program.