Office of the President
2020-21 Archive - Statements and Publications
For communications related to COVID-19, see ObieSafe.
2020–21 Academic Year
Presidential Note to Students in the Wake of Rising Racial Tensions
April 15, 2021
Despite the horrors we see nightly on videos, despite the terrible loss people of color are experiencing, despite the toll that hate and ignorance are extracting from every corner of our society, Obies and others of good conscience must not waver.
Condemning Anti-Asian Racism and Violence
March 18, 2021
The mass shooting on Tuesday, March 16, in Atlanta, in which six of the eight people killed were Asian and Asian American women, serves as a horrific reminder of the xenophobia and misogyny rooted in our society and yet another call on all of us to strengthen our commitment to social justice work.
Announcement in Support of International Students
July 13, 2020
I am sure you have read about the federal government’s most recent effort to curtail the presence of international students in the United States.