Construction Begins on New Residence Hall
September 26, 2023
Office of Communications
Four-story structure to house 400 students, accommodate campus-wide renovations to other residences.

This Week in Photos: The Soundtrack of Fall
November 27, 2020
Yvonne Gay
A guitar ensemble performance in Kulas Recital Hall featured Suvan Agarwal '23, Aidan Wiley '20, and Craig Slagh '21. The passion demonstrated in their live streamed performance was captured in photos and chosen to be among the images included in this week’s photo series.

This Week in Photos: Creativity and Strength
November 13, 2020
Yvonne Gay
Inspirational words and chalk drawn images on the sidewalks of Wilder Bowl greeted those passing by this past week. This chalk walk exercise resulted in several standout images featured in this week’s photo series.

OC Votes Website Goes Live
September 30, 2020
Communications Staff
OC Votes is a non-partisan website that explores the issues important to the 2020 election.

Dorm Room Design in a Pandemic: Apartment Therapy Founder Maxwell Ryan ’89
August 21, 2020
Hillary Hempstead
We asked Maxwell Ryan '89, the former designer and founder or Apartment Therapy, to revisit the topic of dorm room design and offer more advice on how to make a dorm room the coziest, most welcoming place possible.

Journalism Symposium Features Alumni Working in the Field
February 13, 2020
Hillary Hempstead
Alumni journalists from a range of publications will present at “A Disrupted Media Landscape: Skills, Perspectives, Solutions,” February 24 through March 1.

History at the Museum Examines How Institutions Educate the Public
January 27, 2020
Hillary Hempstead
Winter Term project explores how various museums choose to construct narratives.

Reflections on 50 Years of Africana Studies and its Program House
November 6, 2019
Hillary Hempstead
In November 1968, the General Faculty of Oberlin College approved the establishment of an Afro-American Studies Program for the following academic year.

The Apartment Therapist Is In
August 13, 2019
Hillary Hempstead
Maxwell Ryan ’89, founder of Apartment Therapy, returns to campus to transform his old dorm room. In this video, he shares his top five tips for dorm decorating and design.

Eric Baker Nord Performing Arts Annex Opens
December 13, 2018
Hillary Hempstead
The new space creates a multipurpose home for diverse programming and expanded opportunities for students.