Campus News
Graduates Awarded Fellowships in Asia
January 11, 2017
Hillary Hempstead
Beginning this summer, eight graduates will live and work in Asia to build language fluency, cross-cultural skills, and lasting relationships.

Shansi Awards In-Asia Grants
December 16, 2016
Communications Staff
This winter term and summer, nine students will explore intellectually and socially engaging projects through an Oberlin Shansi In-Asia Grant.

A Gift of Peace and Understanding
September 11, 2015
Communications Staff
Tomoko Watanabe, founder of Asian Network of Trust- Hiroshima and co-founder of Green Legacy Hiroshima, walks with Gavin Tritt, executive director of Oberlin Shansi, and others in Tappan Square...

First-of-its-Kind Symposium on Asian Cinema
March 11, 2015
Lisa Gulasy
A series of events is taking place this weekend, including the symposium Asian Cinemas in a Global Context; the lecture “Why Cinema Has Not Yet Been Invented: or Taking the Digital in Hand,” by University of Chicago Professor Tom Gunning; and the lecture “Globalization from a Local Lens: Creative Conceptions of a Taiwanese Director,” by documentary filmmaker Ho Chao-ti. The symposium is the first to explicitly bring together Indian and Chinese cinemas for discussion.