Campus News

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Postcards from Oberlin

May 8, 2020

Yvonne Gay

“The best thing about my quarantine workday (besides hanging out with my toddler) is seeing my students, even though they are far away. The second best thing is seeing them when it's warm enough to be outside in my backyard in Lakewood. Students + sunshine (+ toddler) = happiness,” writes Kathryn Metz , assistant professor of ethnomusicology.

A woman types on a laptop in her backyard.

First-of-its-Kind Symposium on Asian Cinema

March 11, 2015

Lisa Gulasy

A series of events is taking place this weekend, including the symposium Asian Cinemas in a Global Context; the lecture “Why Cinema Has Not Yet Been Invented: or Taking the Digital in Hand,” by University of Chicago Professor Tom Gunning; and the lecture “Globalization from a Local Lens: Creative Conceptions of a Taiwanese Director,” by documentary filmmaker Ho Chao-ti. The symposium is the first to explicitly bring together Indian and Chinese cinemas for discussion.

Asian Cinemas in a Global Context poster
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