Campus News
Who is Abby Aresty?
August 23, 2021
Yvonne Gay
One might expect a technical director and lecturer in the TIMARA department to have a related interest in sound, but did you know that Abby Aresty wore a traffic cone on her head in her preschool class photo? Learn more about Aresty in this installment of Who Am I?

This Week in Photos: Spring Semester Begins
February 12, 2021
Yvonne Gay
Outdoor activities, live-streamed concerts, and socially distanced classes are underway for the spring semester.

This Week in Photos: Unlikely Spaces and Familiar Places
October 2, 2020
Yvonne Gay
Latinx Heritage Month, TGIF, and the first presidential debate find a home in Wilder Bowl; concerts by TIMARA and jazz students are livestreamed in the Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse; the patio of Mudd Center welcomes the Oberlin College Choir; Clark Bandstand in Tappan Square becomes a stage for jazz forums; and familiar places in between.

Teaching in the New Normal: Holly Handman-Lopez
April 28, 2020
Communications Staff
In this edition of Teaching in the New Normal, Handman-Lopez shares how even under challenging circumstances, students have been able to find ways to express themselves.

Winter Term in Oberlin: 2020
February 24, 2020
Yvonne Gay
Winter Term is a time of year when Oberlin students are encouraged to conduct independent or group projects outside of courses related to their majors. Pursuits can be done on or off campus with students choosing to work almost anywhere on the map. This year we highlight some of the work by the more than 900 students who completed projects in Oberlin.

Celebrating 50 Years of Electronic & Computer Music
November 20, 2019
Communications Staff
More than 500 musicians took part in an extended musical collage in Finney Chapel on November 16, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Oberlin's TIMARA department.

2017-2018 Excellence in Teaching Award Winners
May 14, 2019
Communications Staff
Six faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences and the Conservatory of Music received Excellence in Teaching Awards for the 2017-2018 academic year.