Campus Safety
Sexual Assault and Harassment
The Oberlin College community is committed to preserving the dignity and safety of its members and will not tolerate any sexual offense in the work or academic setting.
Violators of College Policy will be subject to appropriate college adjudication processes and disciplinary action. The reporting parties and the responding parties are entitled to the same opportunities to have others present during a disciplinary proceeding. Both parties must be informed of the outcome of any institutional proceeding in which a sex offense has been alleged.
To this end, the college has in place and maintains preventative and informational education programs for the community through several offices that provide support, counseling, and guidance to victims of a sexual offense.
The Oberlin College Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy, published by the Oberlin College Title IX coordinator, provides detailed information on the process for the filing of and the adjudication of complaints of sexual assault or harassment by all members of the college community.
The current Oberlin College Policy that covers Title IX was adopted in August 2020. Students may obtain complaint and adjudication information from the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, the Deputy Title IX and Equity Coordinators, or the Director of Student Conduct & Community Standards in the Office of Dean of Students. Faculty and staff may obtain necessary support and complaint information through the offices of their respective deans, their department chairs, or their division heads.
Anyone who believes they are a victim of a sex offense or needs immediate assistance should contact the Office of Campus Safety, which will contact an Oberlin College dean and the Title IX Coordinator. The Oberlin Police Department may also provide immediate support and assistance.
The college recognizes that the most important concern is for the safety of the harmed party and the campus community. It is essential that a victim receives prompt medical attention for the victim’s medical well-being and if the party wishes to collect evidence. The Office of Campus Safety will provide transportation to and from the Nord Center, which conducts all sexual assault examinations for Lorain County.
The college provides support measures and resources as needed. More information can be found at the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. For confidential professional support, students may reach out to Counseling and Psychological Services, the Confidential Student Advocate, or the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.
The Federal Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (CSCPA), enacted on October 28, 2000, requires institutions of higher education to issue a statement advising the campus community where law enforcement agency information provided by a state concerning registered sex offenders may be obtained. It also requires sex offenders already required to register in a state to provide notice, as required under state law, to each institution of higher education in that state at which the person is employed, carries on a vocation, volunteers services, or is a student.
Law enforcement information provided by the State of Ohio under section 170101(j) of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (U.S.C. 14071(j)), concerning registered sex offenders, is available from the Lorain County Sheriff’s Office, 9896 Murray Ridge Road, Elyria, Ohio 44035, Phone: (440) 329-3709, or on the Lorain County Sheriff website.
An additional statewide database is available called eSORN or Electronic Sex Offender Registration and Notification of Ohio, Sex Offender Registration and Notification of Ohio Attorney General.
Lorain County Rape Crisis 24-Hour Hotline
and Sexual Assault Care Unit of Lorain County
1-800-888-6161 (24 hours)
Vee Ybarra
Confidential Student Advocate
On campus, by appointment only, Peters Hall G24
Rebecca Mosely
Title IX Coordinator