Campus Safety
Campus Safety Services

Photo credit: Courtesy of the Office of Communications
Safe Transaction Zone
The Safe Transaction Zone is a designated area where people meet to exchange items either sold or purchased online, such as Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace, located in the main entrance lobby of the Oberlin College Campus Safety Building. Safety cameras are continuously running in the main lobby, so an officer is not required to be present during transactions. Safe Transaction Zone times are 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. any day of the week, no appointment required.
Rules and restrictions:
Conceal Carry Permit (CCW) permit holders are not permitted to bring weapons on campus.
The legal sale of a firearm or other weapons will not be permitted in the Safe Transaction Zone or anywhere on campus.
We offer no other service associated with the transaction, such as notary services, change, checking for fake/counterfeit money, verifying money amounts, etc.
Student Shuttle
The Student Shuttle, a student-staffed operation, provides a stop-to-stop vehicle escort service to college community members daily from 9 p.m.-2 a.m. during each week of scheduled classes. It serves a route around the campus perimeter, with limited off-campus stops. Information on the service and stops is available in brochures distributed on campus and by calling Ext. 57433 from on campus, or (440) 775-RIDE (7433) from College Village Housing and 137 Elm St.
Vehicle Jump Start Service
As part of our commitment to providing quality service to the Oberlin College & Conservatory Community, the Department of Campus Safety offers a free jump-start service.
If your vehicle will not start due to a dead battery (the engine cranks slowly or you hear clicking noises but no cranking), contact the Campus Safety Office at 440-775-8444 and ask for a jumpstart assist.
A Campus Safety Officer will respond to your on-campus location with a jumpstart pack, ask you to initial and sign a liability release form, and make every attempt to get your vehicle battery started again.
Students are reminded that batteries may fail when vehicles sit for long periods, especially in colder temperatures. As you prepare to travel home before a break, check your car a day or two before you depart.
If you wait until you are ready to leave, you may be delayed as that is a very busy time on campus for jumpstarts and other Campus Safety duties.
The Student Shuttle is in operation but may not be operating every night due to student staffing issues. We look forward to providing this service on a regular basis.
Walking Safety Escort Services
Walking Safety Escort Services are provided upon request from dusk to dawn for anyone walking alone on campus. An escort can be summoned to any college building, resident hall, or parking lot by calling Campus Safety (440-775-8444 or ext. 58444 from on campus) or by using any of the distinctively marked blue campus emergency phones. Campus Safety Officers and the Student Shuttle System participate in this service.
Emergency Telephone System
The Emergency Telephone System maintained by the college consists of 80 emergency telephones throughout the campus. Thirty-eight of these are highly visible "Blue Light" phones situated in parking lots, high-traffic pedestrian areas, and campus open space locations. They can be easily located and identified by the bright blue light atop a black pedestal.
The remaining emergency telephones are at the primary entrance(s) of each residence hall, and within some academic buildings. The automatic dialing capability provides direct contact with a Campus Safety Communication Officer, coded location of the call origin, and immediate dispatch of a Campus Safety Officer.
Operation Identification
Operation Identification is a crime prevention program that discourages burglary and theft by permanently identifying valuables. Engraving personal identification on valuable items makes stolen items difficult to sell or pawn. Operation Identification also helps police and the Campus Safety Office identify lost or stolen property. The office has a number of electric engravers that members of the college community may borrow free of charge. We provide forms to record personal property and serial numbers.
Community Educational Programs
Community Educational Programs are presented on campus by Campus Safety staff throughout the year to promote awareness and good safety and security practices. Presentations include information:
- crime prevention
- personal safety
- rape and sexual assault prevention
- property protection
- residential hall security
- bicycle thefts
- other timely issues as they arise
Members of the Campus Safety Office also participate in crime prevention in their individual contacts with the public. Staff members from the Offices of Residence Life, Student Health, the Assistant Dean/Director of Health Education, and the Title IX Coordinator also educate community members in issues of alcohol and drug abuse, sexual assault prevention, and the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy of Oberlin College.
Community Action Makes Public Safety is a series of programs designed to encourage members of the college community to take responsibility for and contribute to their own security and that of others. The types of programs and frequency of presentation are tailored to meet the needs of specific groups of community members.
The programs inform students and employees about campus security procedures and practices and encourage them to be responsible for their own security and the security of the community. Officers proactively educate students and employees by increasing awareness and by helping them to develop strategies for the reduction of risk.