Rebecca Mosely

  • Director of the Office for Institutional Equity
  • Title IX Coordinator
  • ADA/Section 504 Coordinator


As the Title IX coordinator, Director of the Office for Institutional Equity, and ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, Mosely is responsible for training and education, communication, and implementation concerning equity policy and concerns on campus. This position includes developing and administering the Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and the Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy. Mosely spent 11 years working in the Office of Residential Education at Oberlin College before transitioning to this role.

Becky holds a bachelor’s degree in French education, a master’s degree in student affairs and higher education from The Ohio State University, and a PhD in higher education from Bowling Green State University. In her doctoral work, she focused on college access issues and social justice in education.