Bonner Center
Ninde Scholars Program
Our Award-winning Reach Higher video
The Ninde Scholars Program provides one-on-one tutoring and near-peer mentorship by paid and trained Oberlin College students. They work directly with select Ninde Scholars in grades 7-12 in the Oberlin City School District. Additionally the program provides content tutoring at Oberlin High School in science, math, and foreign language, and college access services through a series of workshops open to all Oberlin High School students.
Each year on average, more than 20 Oberlin College students mentor and or tutor 44 Ninde Scholars, as well as assist Oberlin High School students through the content tutoring programs and workshops.
For more information please contact Susan Pavlus, director, Education Outreach Programs, or Brittany Gordon college access coordinator.
Ninde Scholars Program Now Hiring
Ninde Tutor Application Fall 2019
AmeriCorps College Guide
Ninde Scholars and Friends
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