Office of Religious and Spiritual Life



The Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (ORSL) is part of the Division of Student Life and is led by a director who is a member of the General Faculty and a full-time administrative and professional staff member of the college, reporting to the Dean of Students.

The Director is responsible for the development and implementation of the office’s mission and goals and for the administration of the office, including personnel, budgets, facilities, communications, institutional relations, policies, procedures, reports, and records. In addition to these administrative functions, the director serves as the campus’s lead religious professional, promoting multifaith understanding, conversation, and cooperation, educating about general religious and ethical life issues, and providing the college with ceremonial leadership and pastoral care.

Religious Life Advisors & Coaches

The Director and Coordinator of the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life maintain relationships with a network of Religious Life Advisors— general faculty members, community clergy, and community members who provide spiritual support, leadership development, program development, and administrative support for campus spiritual communities, in an as-needed capacity.