Food Hub Keeps Local Food in the Community
July 26, 2016
Amanda Nagy
A venture of the Oberlin Project, the Oberlin Food Hub links local farms with wholesale buyers in Northeast Ohio.

Growing Organics Down Under
February 4, 2016
Kasey Cheydleur
Kendra Lockard spent her winter term in New Zealand volunteering with World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms on a blueberry and blackberry farm.

The Culture Behind the Food
December 15, 2015
Xiaoqian Zhu
Student organizers of the fifth-annual Asian Night Market encouraged people to explore the culture behind the food with a new "Food for Thought Week."

Eat Local Challenge Celebrates Commitment to Local Food
October 6, 2015
Kasey Cheydleur
The annual Eat Local Challenge celebrates the college’s commitment to local food and local farmers by providing a meal sourced entirely from within 150 miles of Oberlin’s kitchens.

Healthy Meats Now, Healthy Choices Later
September 14, 2015
Amanda Nagy
New Creation Farm, a local provider of ground beef and pork, is dedicated to raising animals humanely, without hormones, antibiotics, or GMOs.

It Doesn't Get Any Greener Than This
August 20, 2015
Amanda Nagy
Just down the road, a hydroponic lettuce grower harvests fresh greens for Oberlin’s dining halls.

It Takes a Family to Feed a Campus
October 10, 2014
Amanda Nagy
Oberlin's food service provider gives back to the family farm that supplies the majority of meat served in campus dining halls and cafes.

Tappin' in Tappan
April 2, 2014
James Helmsworth
This winter, Oberlin students have tapped Oberlin's central green, Tappan Square, for a tasty—and aptly named—project.

Junior Wins Udall Scholarship
May 6, 2013
Amanda Nagy
Junior Rachel Manning has received a 2013 Udall Scholarship.