Campus News

Read feature, general interest, and campus-based news stories about the Oberlin College campus community.

2014-2015 Excellence in Teaching Awards Winners

February 19, 2016

Communications Staff

Six faculty members from the College of Arts and Sciences and the Conservatory of Music received the Excellence in Teaching Award for the 2014-2015 academic year. The recipients were Associate Professor of Mathematics Jack Calcut; Professor of Hispanic Studies Sebastiaan Faber; Professor of Piano James Howsmon; Director of the Division of Conducting and Ensembles, Associate Professor of Conducting, and Director of the Oberlin Orchestra Raphael Jiménez; Professor of Comparative American Studies Gina Pérez; and Associate Professor of Jazz Studies Daniel Wall.

Award winners with President Krislov

Computer Science Students Earn OCWiC Conference Awards

March 16, 2015

Communications Staff

Assistant Professor of Computer Science Cynthia Taylor, along with several students studying computer science, attended the Ohio Celebration of Women in Computing (OCWiC) conference February 20 and 21 in Sandusky, Ohio. At the conference, Christine Antonsen was one of two students awarded $1,000 to attend the upcoming Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing, the world’s largest gathering of women technologists.

A student poses for the photo next to a research poster

Strengthening Community Ties Through Local History

January 12, 2015

Lisa Gulasy

In the course Oberlin History as American history, Oberlin College students partner with Oberlin High School students to research and discuss local history. Throughout the course, students discover that history often looks different depending on your relation to the college.

Students search primary documents in the Oberlin College Archives

Seven Receive Tenure

April 9, 2014

Communications Staff

Oberlin’s Board of Trustees has approved recommendations to reappoint with continuous tenure seven assistant professors and promote them to the rank of associate professor.

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