Those of you who've been reading these blogs for awhile may have seen my posts from last spring, when I was teaching on the Oberlin-in-London Program. (If not, they're here (The Adventure Begins) and here (Mrs. Dalloway's House: The London Adventure). Really, go take a look: there are lots of cool photos too.) There was also much blogging going on—by the students and me—over at the London blog site. But no matter how carefully chosen the words, it was hard to convey just how magical a time it was.
Now, at last, there's further evidence: Oberlin's wizard cinematographer Daniel Schloss (class of '07) has produced a 20-minute video about the London Program that I think does a great job of conveying its energy and spirit. (Bonus: if you watch to the end, you'll be introduced to a different side of our very own Ben Jones.) Enjoy!

You can find more information about the program at the Oberlin-in-London website. The 2013 group is preparing to depart at the end of the month, but we're already recruiting for the spring 2014 program: see the website for details of the curriculum and faculty, and watch for information about an information session next month. (Prospective students: sorry, you won't be eligible for 2014, but we have exciting plans for 2015, so stay tuned!)
I'd love to know your reactions to the video, so please feel free to comment! Or ask any questions you might have. As you can probably tell, I have quite a lot invested in this program, so I'm eager to make sure people know about it. Tell your friends!