Alumni Association
Class of 1964
Our 50th Reunion celebration took place May 23-26, 2014
Our 50th class reunion in May 2014 was a time to celebrate the beginning we were given at Oberlin, renew friendships and engage again in polite, rigorous discussion of the issues of the day. We shared a wonderful weekend of celebration and camaraderie. Please keep in touch!
Class Officers and Reunion Planners
Carl McDaniel , 1964 Class President
Heather Banks , 1964 Vice President
Jeff Kline , Class of 1964 Reunion Gift Chair
Thank you to all of our volunteers for making the weekend a success.
50th Reunion Facebook Page
In addition to this page, the class of 1964 50th Reunion has a group on Facebook. If you are a Facebook user, please join the Oberlin College Class of 1964 50th Reunion group and keep the conversation going!
55th Cluster Reunion
The class of 1964 will share its next reunion with the Classes of 1965 and 1966 in May 2020.