Alumni Association
Alumni Leadership Council Members

Photo credit: Tanya Rosen-Jones '97
The Alumni Leadership Council (ALC), established in September 2014, is the governing body of the Oberlin Alumni Association, empowered to undertake and regulate any action of or on behalf of the Association. The members who sit on the ALC represent students, identities, talents, regions, class years, volunteer roles, and diversities of the Oberlin alumni body.
Read about our members:
Committee Chairs
Chartered Group Members
Designated Representatives
Student Representatives
At Large Members
Past Presidents of the Association shall serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Council. Past Presidents may be asked to serve on the Awards Committee of the Alumni Leadership Council and other committees and task forces created by the Council.
- Alfred Van Horn III ’46
- Jane Dunlap Highsaw ’41
- Summer Hayward ’38
- Sheila Weber Aszling ’66
- John Elder ’53
- Fred Cohen ’57
- Frances Kaplan Grossman ’61
- Robert Rotberg ’55
- Robert Plows ’69
- William Warren ’48
- Roberta Scheff Maneker ’57
- Eric Nilson ’82
- Danette DiBiasio Wineberg ’68
- Peter Kirsch ’79
- Diane Kenty ’77
- Clyde Owan ’79
- Leanne C. Wagner ’76
- Wendell P. Russell Jr. ’71
- William Hilton ’65
- Dwan Vanderpool Robinson ’83
- Jacqueline Bradley Hughes ’76
- Chuck Spitulnik ’73
- Lorri Olan ’87
- Carol Levine ’84
- K. Scott Alberts ’94
- Young Kim '85