Interdisciplinary Performance Minor
Interdisciplinary Performance encourages students to explore creativity through a broad range of performance practices and study of subjects related to performance, including audience interaction, improvisation, and dynamics among performers.

A dancer collaborates with a cellist for their Senior Dance production.
Photo credit: Yevhen Gulenko
This minor offers students an opportunity to explore creativity in a broad range of performance practices. Students will investigate the nature of performance across the arts including the nature of the audience and performer interaction; dynamics among performers; the creative and political opportunities afforded by various kinds of stages (from page, to proscenium, to community, to playing field); the complex interplay of improvisation, inspiration, and practice; the relationship between mind and body.
Students wishing to complete the Interdisciplinary Performance Minor should consult with their academic advisor or a member of the curricular committee and complete the declaration of Interdisciplinary Performance Minor form.
Sample Courses
College of Arts & Sciences
- AAST 262 - Capoeira Angola
- ARTS 049 – Visual Concepts and Processes: Mixed Media Sculpture
- CINE 313 - Animation Workshop
- CRWR 195 - The Practice of Writing
- DANC 107 - Samba
- THEA 100 - Acting 1: Fundamentals
Conservatory of Music
- APST 140 - Internalizing Rhythms
- APST 142 - Beginning Improvisation
- OPTH 202 - Introduction to Opera: Performing Techniques
- PVST 001-049 - Principal Private Study
- TECH 350 - Workshop in Music & Media Technology
Faculty Liaisons
- Aurie Hsu (TIMARA)
- Laura Baudot (English)