Arts and Creative Technologies Minor
Arts and Creative Technologies focuses on participation in global conversations about the expressive potential of technology old and new.

A series of small TIMARA groups played live experimental music accompaniment to selected silent, animated, and avant-garde films.
Photo credit: Dale Preston
This minor trains students to be active contributors to global conversations about the expressive potential of technology, and makes tangible and visible the unique cross-divisional opportunities for study in the arts, media, and technology at Oberlin. It provides a hands-on understanding of sound, video, and interactive media software and hardware tools and a context for their deployment. The minor draws on well-established interdisciplinary connections between the core departments of TIMARA, Computer Science, Cinema and Media, and Studio Art.
Students wishing to complete the Arts and Creative Technologies Minor should consult with an academic advisor or a member of the Arts and Creative Technologies Minor curricular committee, and complete the Declaration of Arts and Creative Technologies Minor form.
Sample Courses
- ARTS 045 - Digital Photography
- CSCI 190 - How to Model It
- CINE 295 - Cinematic Storytelling Workshop
- TECH 350 - Workshop in Music and Media Technology
- PHYS 054 - Musical Acoustics
- RHET 219 - Communication, Culture, and New Media
- THEA 174 - Lighting Technology and Design
Students are required to complete 20 course credits in at least three different departments. Students will also develop a learning portfolio with substantive pieces of work from each of the classes taken to fulfill the minor as well as a reflection piece that explicitly connects the learning outcomes in the different courses.
Faculty Liaisons
- Julia Christensen (Studio Art)