Office for Disability and Access
Resources For Faculty & Staff
The Office for Disability & Access (ODA) at Oberlin College & Conservatory engages in a collaborative and interactive process with its students individually to determine appropriate accommodations. Academic needs are determined by documentation submitted by the student and a student interview. As part of the interactive process, when necessary, ODA will seek information from faculty about the academic requirements essential to the course or program for which the student seeks an accommodation, any licensure requirements directly related to course or program, and other relevant information specific to nature of the course or program. When doing so, ODA will inquire of faculty the academic requirements (or the licensing requirements) that are essential to the course or program. This information is used to inform the decision of ODA about whether, after considering other alternatives and their feasibility, cost, and effect on the academic course or program, the requested accommodation (or alternative accommodations (if any)) would result in lowering academic standards and/or involve a fundamental alteration of the course or program. ODA will document its conclusions regarding such accommodations.
It is the policy and practice of Oberlin College and Conservatory to create inclusive learning environments. If there are aspects of the instruction or design of this course that present barriers to your inclusion or an accurate assessment of your needs to best complete course requirements (e.g., time-limited exams, inaccessible web content, use of videos without captions), please communicate this with your professor and contact the Office for Disability & Access to request accommodations. Office: 440-775-5588, Wilder Hall, Room 112. Students can learn more about the accommodation process on ODA's website (