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Clear filtersBamboozled
December 22, 2008
Aahhhhhh! (that's 'Ahhhhhh' like the sound you make after taking a satisfying drink of Coke Zero™, not like 'Ahhhhhh please don't lock me in that iron mask for years because I look like my brother the king')
Two Years in Rural China
December 22, 2008
It is fitting that even in my last semester here at Oberlin, I am fortunate enough to be taking advantage of one more opportunity that this school has offered--one that is wholly unique to graduates of Oberlin. For two years, I will be teaching English in the northern Chinese province of Taigu through the Oberlin Shansi two-year fellowship program.
On Finding My Way To Oberlin... Twice
December 22, 2008
I’ve been having fun reading about everyone else’s paths to Oberlin, so I thought I’d throw my own story into the mix.

Back at Altitude
December 21, 2008
The sun is out for the second day in a row, the thermometer out back says 0 degrees, and it's so dry that five miles to the west I can see the snow-frozen Rockies as clear as if they were a Bob Ross...
Finals Week
December 19, 2008
Rarely are student and faculty Circadian rhythms more out of sync than at the end of a semester.
Admissions Finds a Way
December 19, 2008
Even after hours of playing music, listening to music, talking about music, sleeping, and doing everything that has nothing to do with college admissions, my work follows me home...
Free at Last, Free at Last
December 17, 2008
It took putting 3 ten-page papers, a five-page paper and two exams behind me to realize that I just might miss this ol' place after all.
The Last Week
December 17, 2008
This utter lack of warmth and sun, combined with the rampant insomnia and overwhelming amount of work, makes the campus seem less like sweet, pastoral, rural Ohio and more like a scene from Doctor Zhivago.
More Essay Writing Tips
December 16, 2008
Because there's no better way to procrastinate writing your college application essays than reading tips about writing your college application essays.
Flavor Trippin'
December 14, 2008
It looked delicious... but we were told we couldn't eat yet. It is an extremely sadistic thing to show us food and tell us we can't partake. I was ready to dive in. But there was a reason.
Oberlin Bloggers
Learn about the Oberlin experience from a group of students, faculty, and staff who have a variety of perspectives about what it's like to be a part of the Oberlin community.