Oberlin Blogs

What I'm Thankful For Redux

November 22, 2012

Tess Yanisch ’13

Three years ago, I wrote/drew this post about Thanksgiving. I know I already posted once this week, but I wanted my last semester to echo my first one.

I hope the text is all readable. I'm uploading photos of cartoons again, and this time it's a cell phone camera.

Text: "how to sadly offer free pizza to sci-fi hall." Image: figure being trampled by other figures after offering pizza
Text: "year two" Image: figure being trampled by other figures after offering pizza
Text: year three. Image: figure throwing pizza into the lounge
Text: "friends who sing along to them songs, even instrumental or non-english ones." Image: figure instructing others to sing
Text: giant heaps of kittens. Image: figure holding kittens
Text: Family who put up with my nerdity. Image: figures speaking gibberish
unreadable comic strip
Text: feeling useful. Image: Oberlin community services umbrella
Text: Results of my home state's referendum on marriage equality. Image: figure jumping for joy
Text: Three hour phone conversations. Image: Figure speaking on the phone with words filling the space behind it
Text: Reliable news sources: NPR, Democracy now!
Text: Pumpkin Spice Lattes. Image: steaming mug
Text: Awesome things from the free box. Image: Shirt and shield
Map of the united states

See the previous Thanksgiving post for True Things about family, "I have found my people," and public libraries. Especially public libraries. And, of course, I'm thankful for a good education, for good friends, good books, good food, warm socks (don't laugh, these are very important in Ohio), research opportunities, everyone who's helping me with grad school applications . . . These were just the things that were easiest to draw.

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