Oberlin Blogs

Rachel Gibson ’20

Hi! My name is Rachel Gibson, and I am a percussion performance and TIMARA major. I love tinkering and finding new ways to create different sounds within the wonderful world of the percussion family. The TIMARA program helps me expand my sonic horizons and allows me to combine my love for percussion and experimental music. I also have a intense interest in the music of John Cage.

As a performance major, I love practicing and spending quality time with my instruments. When I’m not in the practice room, I am playing in ensembles like the orchestra or the contemporary music ensembles. On a side note, I am a percussionist by day and a theremin player by night. I love free improvisation with theremin, and I play in Oberlin’s Improvisation and New Music Collective (OINC). In fact, most of my work in the TIMARA program is currently centered around exploring the theremin and its capabilities. I am the proud owner of two theremins.

When I’m not running around like a crazy busy person, I like taking walks, running, playing Pokemon games, and watching Doctor Who and anime.

However, usually if I’m not playing music, I’m thinking about it.

Check out the Oberlin percussion studio's website, Oberlin Percussion Group,
and the TIMARA website.

Entries from this blogger

My Favorite First-Years

February 22, 2019

This year, the Oberlin percussion studio gained seven new first-years! Here is an inside look on how their year is going so far.