Oberlin Blogs

One Day in the Life

April 30, 2023

Phoebe McChesney ’25

Here it is, y'all!

7:00 am: Alarm goes off and I spend some time waking up and chilling in bed until it’s time to get ready for the day.

7:50 am: Get ready for class: cue morning routine, backpack packing, jacket picking, etc.

8:25 am: Leave my dorm to walk to King for a Politics class on transitional justice. We just had an 8-page paper due and got to talk briefly about our paper to classmates.

10:00 am: Start my next class at Carnegie, about a seven-minute walk away from King. This class is a Geoscience course on Mineralogy and it’s labor-based grading. We’re prepping for a big end of the year project and I’m finishing revisions for this class.

11:10 am: Head to Stevie where I get lunch, they had sesame salmon today (one of my favorites), some bok choy, rice, pita bread, vegetarian curry, chocolate chip loaf, and sparkling water!

11:30 am: Back to the dorm, sometimes it’s nice to have a home base and I’m lucky mine is a ten-second walk away from Stevie.

11:50 am: Head to work at the Conservatory Library.

12 pm - 2 pm: Work, work, work.

Staffed the desk, caught up on some emails, worked on this blog post.

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm: Met up with classmates to practice using the Scanning Electron Microscope or SEM machine at Carnegie. We’re working on the Mineral Drawer for class, which consists of 52 minerals to identify. The SEM tells us what elements are in them by shooting electrons at a thin section sample. Unfortunately, the SEM filament broke so we spent time doing some other work on the Mineral Drawer using optical microscopes.

6:30 pm - 7 pm: Eat dinner!

Rest of the Evening: Chill until bedtime, maybe get some work done :)

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