Office of Advancement
Senior Class Gift
What is a Senior Class Gift?
Senior Class Gift is a collaborative effort by the senior class to instill a spirit of giving within the student body that lasts beyond graduation.
Why Give?
Join a community of impassioned students invested in Oberlin’s legacy! Students that give receive a philanthropy cord to wear at commencement. Contributing to your Senior Class Gift is an act of good faith that you intend to be an active member of the Alumni Association post-grad!
Where Does My Money Go?
As Senior Class Gift is part of the Annual Fund, any money raised through this campaign can be put to use immediately supporting the next generation of Obies. Annual Fund gifts go towards efforts like financial aid, career readiness programming, student life, and academic support! You can also designate your gift to a cause or organization that made an impact on YOU during your time at Oberlin.
How Can I Give?
Students can give through Venmo @ObieSCG. The suggested donation amount is $20.2X in honor of your class year (i.e. $20.24 for a 2024 grad), but we encourage students to give what they can. We ask that anyone who would like to give to a specific fund give a minimum of $5.
Senior Class Gift Committee
Senior Class Gift Committee is an effort through the Office of Advancement's Digital Engagement Center to promote awareness of the Senior Class Gift Campaign around campus throughout the academic year. Look for our Student Ambassadors at the Senior Class Gift tables at events around campus!
Interested in becoming a Student Ambassador?