Lost in Translation
November 10, 2017
Oberlin Alumni Magazine
Oberlin alumni science writers took part in the symposium "Translating Science" in September, sharing with students their advice on science writing and related careers.
Learning and Laboratory
May 5, 2017
Communications Staff
Oberlin punches well above its weight in the sciences, as a recent symposium featuring alumni members of the National Academy of Sciences proves.
Obies Take SXSW by Storm
March 27, 2017
Justine Goode
More than a dozen Oberlin alumni, as well as two current students, made appearances at this year’s South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin, Texas, including an improviser whose sidekick is a robot with an iPad for a face, a vocalist and bassist for a punk rock band who just turned 21, and a former editor of the Washington Post now exploring the intersection of virtual reality and journalism.
Chemistry and Conservation
March 8, 2017
Lilah Drafts-Johnson
Noalle Fellah ’16 is combining her passion for art history and chemistry as she pursues a PhD at New York University.
Oberlin's TIMARA Studios Release New Music the Old Way
February 22, 2017
Erich Burnett
Electroacoustic Music at Oberlin LP features works by faculty and students past and present.
Oberlin's 1 Percent: Alumni Members of the National Academy of Sciences Return to Campus
October 17, 2016
Communications Staff
Three-day program will celebrate Oberlin’s achievements in producing top-rated scientists.
Safari Doctors Founder Umra Omar '06 Featured as CNN Hero
September 14, 2016
Communications Staff
Umra Omar ’06 provides free medical care to remote, insecure areas on the eastern coast of Kenya with her group Safari Doctors.
Full Spectrum
September 8, 2016
Jeff Hagan ’86
A supposed autism epidemic led Steve Silberman ’79 to explore the causes. What he found was its history and a different approach to its future. Oberlin Alumni Magazine editor Jeff Hagan ’86 interviewed Silberman for the summer issue.
Building Power and Support in Frontline Communities
July 7, 2016
Kasey Cheydleur
Aaron Appel ’16 is pursuing his interest in social justice and doing a little of everything while working for Auntie Na’s House, a grassroots community center in Detroit.
Shadows Chasing Light
June 22, 2016
Kasey Cheydleur
Brian Bowers ’08 and Jasmine Powell ’08 collaborated on a transmedia experience using poetry, dance, music, and visual art to explore diverse understandings and experiences of love in all its forms.