Around the World with a Watson Fellowship
May 23, 2017
Amanda Nagy
May 2017 graduates Kirk Pearson (on right) will explore invented instruments, while Paulus Van Horne will study the effects of noise in megacities.

Memory_Archive Explores Digital Identity
April 20, 2017
Hillary Hempstead
In his senior composition recital, fifth-year Kirk Pearson attempts to explain what would happen if the characteristics of the digital world started to permeate our physical lives.

Stephen Hartke World Premiere Highlights Oct. 28 Sinfonietta Concert
October 26, 2016
Erich Burnett
Willow Run, which features saxophonist Noah Getz ’97, also to be performed Nov. 5 at the Cleveland Museum of Art.

A Look into Sonic Arts at Oberlin
August 10, 2016
Julie Gulenko '15
Summer program devoted to electroacoustic music invites students to plug and play.

How Hao Found His Creative Streak
March 17, 2016
Daniel Hautzinger
First-year composer Hao Zou craved American arts culture—and Oberlin weather.

Oberlin Music Releases Toward the Curve, Featuring Pianist Thomas Rosenkranz '99
July 2, 2015
Erich Burnett
Music for piano and surround-sound electronics highlight alumni talent from the ranks of Oberlin's TIMARA and composition departments.

Recital Talk with Sivan Silver-Swartz '15
April 18, 2015
Conservatory Communications Staff
Senior composition student discusses the creative process and more.

Student Composers Get a Formalist Education
March 12, 2015
Daniel Hautzinger
New creations, written over winter term, spring to life through a string quartet collaboration on campus.

Student Compositions to Be Premiered by Formalist Quartet in February
January 23, 2015
Conservatory Communications Staff
Winter Term workshop includes collaboration with visiting artists.

Gregory Walker Plays His Father's Work With Oberlin Orchestra
October 30, 2014
Conservatory Communications Staff
Accomplished in a wide array of styles, Walker the younger helps the campus pay tribute to one of its most lauded composers.