Using Theater to Ignite Conversations About Public Health and Social Issues
October 14, 2020
Scott Wargo
Marjolaine Goldsmith ’14 fulfills her passion for storytelling and also has the opportunity to confront social injustices through her work with Theater of War Productions.

This Week in Photos: January 22
January 22, 2020
Yvonne Gay
In this photo series, we explore the art of cinema storytelling; go to an entrepreneurial boot camp; get intense with strings and Greek; go back to high school in Berkeley; stop by the freezer section in Kim’s Grocery & Carryout; get involved with dark matter; learn R for SPSS; join a dance class; design an archeological exhibit; get cozy with a wild beast; and much more.

Q&A with “What is Sanctuary?” Panelists
February 8, 2018
Communications Staff
The concept of sanctuary is often part of today’s discussions about immigration, but the idea of providing sanctuary has ancient roots. Learn about the different meanings and practices during “What is Sanctuary?” on Tuesday, February 13.

Medicine, Magic, and Witchcraft… Oh, My
April 3, 2017
Amanda Nagy
Classics meets the history of medicine in 2017 Oberlin-in-London program.

Writing with Purpose
August 20, 2015
Kasey Cheydleur
Nicholas Olson ’15 is spending his summer working for POZ magazine before beginning a master’s program in public policy at the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin.

Practical Magic
December 31, 2014
Amanda Nagy
Professor Drew Wilburn finds archaeological evidence of magic in antiquity.