
Concert: PI Ensemble with Luis Perdomo, jazz piano

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Cat in the Cream Coffeehouse

Luis Perdomo , jazz piano will perform in collaboration with Oberlin student PI ensembles. ----- Performance and Improvisation (PI) Ensembles provide an opportunity for students to enrich their...


Concert: Oberlin College Choir

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Warner Concert Hall

A performance by the Oberlin College Choir conducted by Gregory Ristow '01 in Warner Concert Hall. Program: Sergei Rachmaninoff Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom ----- Conservatory visitors are...


Faculty & Guest Recital: Jessen, Young, Roidl-Ward

Details: Date, Time, and Location

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    Fairchild Chapel

A faculty and guest recital presented by Dana Jessen , Katherine Young '03, and Ben Roidl-Ward , bassoon in Fairchild Chapel. ----- Pardon Our Dust - Due to construction on campus, there may be...

