Office of the Dean of Students
Student Conduct Educational Outcomes and Sanctioning
When a student is either found responsible or accepts responsibility for a violation of college policy, the student will often receive sanctions and educational outcomes.
There are three main types of sanctions in Oberlin’s Student Conduct System: Educational, Status, and Restorative.
The Oberlin Student Conduct system attempts to be educational in nature. Due to administrative costs being associated with some educational sanctions, there can be fees assessed to students. For more specific information about possible fees and their corresponding services, contact a hearing officer or Associate Dean of Students Thom Julian .
Educational sanctions often correspond with the infraction of Oberlin policy. Educational sanctions include but are not limited to:
- Alcohol or Other Drug Online Workshop
- Counseling Sessions
- Research Papers
- Educational Bulletin Boards for Residential Education
- Reflective Papers
A student who is found responsible will often receive a status sanction. Statuses are assigned based on the seriousness of the infraction and a student’s prior conduct history. Status sanctions, in order of levity, are as follows:
- Verbal Warning
- Written Warning
- Deferred Probation
- Probation
- Deferred Suspension
- Suspension
- Dismissal
A student whom reaches the probation level can apply to have their status reduced via the Probation Adjustment Application. For more detailed information about this program or conduct records policies, please contact Thom Julian, Associate Dean of Students.
Finally, additional sanctions can be restorative in nature. Examples include:
- Letters of Apology
- Community Workshops or Service
- Restitution
Please note that this page is meant to provide context and is not a complete list of sanctions. Please view the official Oberlin Student Conduct Procedures for detailed information.