New Local Vendor Form Now Available
June 20, 2023 11:45 AM
The Office of the Controller has created a new Local Vendor Form (LVF) in pdf format that will replace the old three-part carbon copies and streamline the process. This new form is available on the controller’s website.
The new form should be completed electronically. Once completed, a printed copy will need to be provided to the vendor and the electronic copy will need submitted through ObieBuy for processing of the payment to the Local Vendor. Itemized receipts are still required to be submitted with the payment request through ObieBuy.
Pre-authorization is still required on the Local Vendor Form. Please be sure to obtain all the required approval signatures to avoid delayed payment to the Vendor. Electronic signatures are acceptable.
We appreciate our Local Vendors accepting these forms for products and/or services rendered so please ensure prompt submission to Obiebuy so timely payment can be made to our Vendors. PLEASE NOTE, the LVF process includes the 1833 Restaurant at The Hotel at Oberlin, no exceptions. If you have any questions or need help with filling out this new form, email accounts payable at apayable@oberlin.edu or contact Accounts Payable Manager Lauri Hubach at x55605.